you are the love of my life

Chapter 494 The Magic of Love

Chapter 494 The Magic of Love

After finally climbing onto the yacht, Qiao Nansheng turned extremely pale.

Gu Xiyuan asked nervously: "Nan Sheng, are you injured?"

Qiao Nansheng struggled to pull out a smile: "I'm fine... How are you? Are you injured?"

"I'm intact, Nan Sheng, don't scare me, did you get shot just now? Where is the injury, tell me!"

Because the black suit on his body was completely soaked in water, so he was bleeding, but he couldn't see it.

"You're not dead yet, what's the point of crying? It's bad luck!" Rong Jinbei reprimanded displeased.

Gu Xiyuan bit her lips and said nothing. She was too stupid to fall into Qin Yise's trap. She was completely defeated in this round!

The army that Rong Jinbei brought was assigned to him by Mr. Qiao, and soon completely subdued those security guards.

Their arrogance is nothing more than relying on the island owner's strong financial resources and buying a lot of heavy weapons, so they are so unscrupulous.

But compared with the professional army, it is still far behind.

The captain saw that the enemy had brought in reinforcements, but he himself suffered heavy casualties, and the entire army was wiped out. He quickly fled in a speedboat in desperation.

"Rong Shao, their mastermind has escaped, do you still want to chase them?"

"No need, the water is too deep, and there are too many interests involved. Let's take care of ourselves and get out of here."

Rong Jinbei said in a deep voice, without any trace of joy, anger, sorrow or joy in his tone.

"But there are still many innocent girls on the island who were trafficked here. Do you really have the heart to see death?" Gu Xiyuan raised her eyes and grabbed his trouser legs in desperation, her voice hoarse Said.

Rong Jinbei glanced at her lightly, "If Nan Sheng doesn't go to the hospital, he will die!"

Qiao Nansheng smiled weakly, trying to smooth things over: "Jin Bei, I'm fine, you can let two people accompany me to Dr. Meyer's place, and the rest will stay with you to save people. They have only one dead end on the island, it's really good pitiful."

Rong Jinbei frowned, now is not the time to act emotionally.

Do they know what kind of troubles a woman's benevolence will cause?
"Send some people first and send them away."

"Yes, Shao Rong."

Gu Xiyuan and Qiao Nansheng boarded the speedboat and left quickly.

Rong Jinbei stared motionlessly at the small island in the distance with his black eyes, his thin lips were tightly pursed, his big hands were behind his back, clenched into fists, the bones creaked almost audibly.

The sea breeze was blowing on his collar, and after a long while, he ordered in a deep voice: "Go forward!"

Gu Xiyuan and Qiao Nansheng were rushed to the hospital.

Dr. Meier was dressed in a white coat, looked at the patient being pushed in by the stretcher, and said angrily: "You are really rushing to join my hospital now, come once every three days..."

"Don't talk nonsense, check the child for her."

A large group of people surrounded Qiao Nansheng and Gu Xiyuan, but before entering the emergency room, Qiao Nansheng thought of this woman first.

"You are seriously injured yourself, and you still have the heart to think about others?"

Dr. Meier was in charge of Qiao Nansheng's operation. While taking the bullet out of his wound, he carefully dipped the cotton in the wound to disinfect it, and said slowly.

The man was lying on the operating table without making a sound, his face was as pale as paper, even his lips had lost all color, and even peeled.

But he has been enduring it!

Usually pampered and rarely injured, this time he could directly kill half of his life, but he didn't even frown.

Love is really magical, it makes life and death promise each other.

(End of this chapter)

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