Chapter 496

While the doctors were arguing endlessly, the nurse noticed that the electrocardiogram on the instrument was abnormal, and shouted: "The patient is dying, his pulse is weak, and his breathing is also decreasing."

Gu Xiyuan's eyes were empty, and slowly closed, her soul seemed to float out of her body slowly.

She is dying.

There is no pain in death.

Can be with baby forever.

Suddenly, the door of the ward was pushed open, and old man Rong walked in with a group of bodyguards angrily, and shouted at the corpse-like body on the hospital bed: "My grandson, you are not allowed to leave before grandpa has time to look at you!" !"

Gu Xiyuan felt very sad, how much she wanted to tell him that it was Qin Yise who killed his grandson, what would he do?
If Qin Yise hadn't hired someone to kidnap her, how could she have had a miscarriage and couldn't keep the child, and ended up having to perform palace cleaning!

After an unknown amount of time, Rong Zhanting said feebly, "Let's have the surgery. It's important to save the adults."

As for the child, if it is gone, it can be conceived again.

But Gu Xiyuan's life is more important than anything else!

Gu Xiyuan was pushed into the operating room. She knew that her child could not be kept...
Rong Zhanting waited in the hospital for Gu Xiyuan's operation before going back.

It was only a minor operation, but Gu Xiyuan's physical condition was poor at this time, and she fell into a coma with no signs of waking up.

Rong Jinbei couldn't get away on the island, and Qin Yise was alone in the Qin family's villa. Some servants were off work, and the house seemed extraordinarily empty.

She was just about to go upstairs to rest when the phone in her pocket vibrated.

Seeing the familiar number jumping on the screen, Qin Yise frowned tightly. What did Mr. Rong want to do when he called her at this time?
She took a deep breath, and it was impossible not to answer the call, it was in the palm of her hand like a hot potato.

After hesitantly connecting, she carefully said a word: "Hello..."

"Qin Yise, you vicious woman with a vicious heart, what kind of heart do you have?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Rong Zhanting's angry roar came over unexpectedly, causing Qin Yise's ears to hurt.

"Rong Lao, I don't know what I did to make you so angry?" Qin Yise tried to restrain her emotions and asked innocently.

"You still have the guts to ask me? Don't you know what you did yourself? You just don't want to see the Rong family have a queen, and worry that Jin Bei will marry another woman, and you and that bastard in your belly will lose their status! Yes or no?"

Marry another woman?
Could it be related to Gu Xiyuan again?
Oh, she doesn't even know how to explain it.

Unnecessary crimes can be blamed on her casually. Qin Yise seems to be numb, but she still feels a pain in her chest, but she still pretends to be calm and says,

"If you have something to say, you may as well say it directly. I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Hmph, what are you pretending to be? Don't think that my son is protecting you. You really think of yourself as the young mistress of the Rong family. I used to think of you as a weak hearted snake, but now I see clearly that you have such a vicious heart, Xiyuan You are also pregnant with the flesh and blood of the Rong family, but you can't wait to harm her and let the child in her womb die innocently! You are a femme fatale woman, you are not worthy to give birth to the offspring of my Rong family!"

Qin Yise rubbed her forehead, feeling pain in her heart from being scolded by him, and her eyes couldn't stop being sore.

What did she do that made people so angry that people accused her of killing a child who was less than three months pregnant?
Where did this come from?

(End of this chapter)

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