Chapter 502
"Qin Yise is now an important suspect. She doesn't want to see you, which just shows that she has a guilty conscience!"

Ling Tuo's eyes widened, "What kind of logic is this? Guilt or innocence is based on evidence, and you police rely on guesswork to decide cases, isn't it too arbitrary?"

"Shut up, this is not a place for you to make loud noises." The prison guard glared at him fiercely and said fiercely.

Ling Tuo kept his mouth shut, turned around and went out to call Rong Jinbei, signaling him to come forward in person to settle the matter.

This place is full of old man Rong's people, how could he take this little guy seriously!

"Trash, can't you do this well?"

President Rongda roared angrily.

Ling Tuo blushed, "Master, the situation here is very complicated. Miss Qin is not willing to be released on bail, let alone see me. If she says a wrong word, the police will use it as a handle and detain her for intentional injury at any time."

Rong Jinbei was going crazy with that woman, if she didn't torture herself, she would feel uncomfortable all over, wouldn't she?
Now he really wished he could bring her from the police station to him, so that she could wake up properly!
"Find a way to get her to answer the phone. I have a few things to tell her." Rong Jinbei ordered in a deep voice.

"Okay." Ling Tuo nodded, and asked the prison guard to hand over his mobile phone to Qin Yise.

Hearing that it was Rong Jinbei's call, Qin Yise was stunned for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled, "If I don't answer, will President Rongda rush to the prison and strangle me to death?"

"It's possible!"

The prison guard held up his mobile phone and replied blankly, with some cold humor.

"That's really my honor. I can make such a sensation in a prison!"

Qin Yise looked at the cell phone that was on the phone, and didn't reach out to pick it up, but said in a self-defeating manner, "Take it away, I don't want to hear his voice."

She even pushed away the last person who was willing to help and care about her. It seemed that she really decided to stay in this kind of place forever!
Hearing Qin Yise's ignorant words, Rong Jinbei was so angry that he slammed his phone against the wall.

"Idiot, silly woman, you have a backbone, it's best not to cry and beg me for help—"

Rong Jinbei's anger from the past few days hadn't dissipated, but at this moment, he was provoked by Qin Yise again.

He was angry and annoyed, he gritted his teeth, and decided to let her suffer first.

Gu Xiyuan's body recovered completely, and the Gu family surrounded the entire ward, wishing her well.

"Baby girl, don't be too sad, you are still so young, you will have children in the future, and taking care of your health is the most important thing!" Mother Gu said affectionately as she stroked her daughter's hair.

"Mom, you must make the decision for me. I can't swallow this breath, and I can't let my child die for no reason!" Gu Xiyuan cried bitterly, and her emotions inevitably became agitated.

"Don't worry, Elder Rong has already sent that bitch named Qin to the police station, and now she can only be manipulated by us."

"Really? Then if she doesn't plead guilty, Rong Shao will definitely help her get rid of the suspicion!"

"Baby girl, please calm down first, as long as she is locked in there for a day, she will suffer a lot. These are not important. The important thing is that the Rong family will not let such a woman who has been in prison step into their house!"

When Gu Xiyuan heard the words, she finally laughed through her tears, "Does that mean that I still have a chance?"

"Of course, my daughter is so beautiful, which man would choose a reform-through-labor prisoner without such a good wife? With your Uncle Rong, Qin Yise has absolutely no chance of turning over."

(End of this chapter)

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