you are the love of my life

Chapter 504 No comparison, no harm

Chapter 504 No comparison, no harm
Various crimes were imposed on Qin Yise one after another, and public opinion set off a new frenzy.

Many onlookers gathered at the entrance of the hospital, and their saliva was almost flooded into a river.

They even set up a support group of fans on the Internet, and began clamoring to crusade against Qin Yise, a vicious woman.

When Xiao Feifei returned home, the news on the Internet had already become day-to-day, and the more she traveled, the more she traveled.

When Father Xiao saw her coming back, he hid in the room mysteriously, with a guilty look on his face, he couldn't help frowning, and reprimanded: "Stop!"

"Dad, what do you want me to do?"

"Be honest, did you spread the content of this news report?"

The Xiao family mainly manages the media and newspapers, and who can manipulate public opinion so skillfully, except for their own children, who else can be so watertight?

Outsiders can't tell, he is an expert, so he can see through it at a glance.

"Dad, how could I do such a thing? Both of them are my classmates, even if I know something inside, I can't make trouble!"

Father Xiao snorted coldly, this kind of pediatric tricks would not be able to fool his eyes, "Qin Yise and Gu Xiyuan had an accident at the same time, no one else would do it except you, and your room is covered with Rong Jin Bei's poster, do I need to say more?"

Xiao Feifei turned her head and wanted to leave, but was shocked by her father's majestic roar again, "Take another step, believe it or not, I will break your leg!"

Xiao Feifei froze and stood on the stairs, neither moving forward nor retreating.

"Feifei, I don't care what kind of thoughts you have about Rong Shao, but the love of children is not as good as the interests of the whole family. What kind of man Rong Jinbei is, what kind of fun do you have to join in the fun with your identity, it's just adding to the chaos!"

"What's wrong with me pursuing my own happiness? He's not married, and I'm not. What's impossible? All I know is that if you don't even dare to fight for something you like, it's no different from a coward."

Father Xiao put his hands behind his back, looked at his daughter, resisted the urge to get angry, and said with a sigh: "Feifei, people need to recognize the reality, we small families can't compete with the Rong family, you know the Gu family is in C What is the identity of the city? They can decide the life and death of our family with a single word, and you dare to snatch a man from Gu Xiyuan, are you crazy?"

Xiao Feifei insisted on not giving in, "Why Qin Yise can do it, but I can't, she is so lowly, even a hair of my hair is not as good as her, and she also worked as a lady in a nightclub, I am not reconciled!"

Qin Ziqing was in a great mood after a full body beauty treatment.

She ate western food specially, and packed some red wine, steak and snacks, and went to the detention center to visit her good sister and her father.

"Qin Yise, someone is here to see you."

The prison guard pushed open the iron door and shouted into a small, dark room.

Qin Yise curled up in the corner, with her arms around her knees, as light poured in, she squinted her eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "I don't see anyone."

"The one who came was none other than your sister." The prison guard said coldly. If he hadn't received the benefits, he wouldn't have bothered to talk nonsense to the suspect.

I didn't expect that after she came in, she was really a cash cow. Those who called to see her would stuff red envelopes in advance to take care of their staff.

But most of them are telling him to watch carefully, it's better to show this woman some color!
How bad is her character, so that so many enemies chase her to the prison and want to kill her?
(End of this chapter)

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