you are the love of my life

Chapter 508 Prenatal Depression

Chapter 508 Prenatal Depression

Rong Jinbei habitually reached out to fetch the coffee on the table, and just as he stretched out his hand, Qin Yise hurried forward and handed the coffee to him.

The man froze for a moment, then looked up at the woman in front of him.

There was astonishment in his eyes, which finally became complicated, and immediately turned into indifference, and various emotions kept changing in his eyes.

He dropped the document in his hand, and lay on his back slightly, with a pair of deep rhinoceros eyes, he looked at Qin Yise calmly: "Why are you here?"

"Your father sent me here."

Qin Yise's tone was flat, with a hint of resentment and accusation: "Are you still angry with me?"

"Don't be angry, I don't have the time to think about things that aren't worth thinking about!"

Rong Jinbei replied coldly.

He wanted to reprimand her severely, but seeing that she had lost a lot of weight, he felt more distressed than blamed.

Unable to save face, he said bluntly, "Why did you come to me? Did you realize your mistake?"

Qin Yise pursed her lips, her eyes were hot, tears almost fell down, "I know I'm stubborn, but it's not a question of right or wrong."

"Then tell me, what is it?"

Rong Jinbei looked at her deeply, "I let you calm down inside for a month without paying any attention to her. I didn't expect you to realize such a truth?"

His tone softened a lot.

Qin Yise slowly looked away, with a fierce ideological struggle in her heart.

Should I obey my own heart, or vent my anger?
She didn't want to take advantage of Rong Jinbei's feelings for her to do some revengeful things. Being tied by his side like this, she would never have freedom and happiness to speak of.

But if she follows her heart and tries to break the boat, the road ahead may be difficult, but at least she will get the freedom she wants.

Qin Yise struggled and hesitated silently in her heart over and over again, and finally took a deep breath and said, "You are so busy, you probably don't have time to think about me, and I will affect your work, so..."

"Stop talking, I don't want to hear a word!"

Rong Jinbei frowned. He had already expected what she would say, so he refused directly.

Qin Yise's small hands trembled, her heart sank, she gritted her teeth, and remained silent.

The air was embarrassingly dignified, and after a long time, Rong Jinbei said slowly, "You are pregnant, how can I ignore you, just let you hang out for a while, I hope you can reflect, there is no need for this now, I will come forward to the police and make it clear, you can move back to the villa, it was your home in the first place."

"Oh, how do you solve it? They think I'm the kidnapper." Qin Yise asked sullenly.

"Don't worry about it, I have evidence to prove your innocence, and the real suspect will also be arrested." Rong Jinbei frowned when he thought of the recording in his hand.

Qin Yise didn't ask any further questions, she obeyed Rong Jinbei's arrangement, a prison is not a safe haven, and if the old man threatened her for three days, it would be better to stay by Rong Jinbei's side and slowly figure out a solution.

It is impossible for her to give the child to Gu Xiyuan to raise!
Her mental state was very bad every day, and her body was already weak. Because of the bone marrow replacement, her spirit was too depressed, her will was depressed, etc., and she quickly lost weight.

Despite regular prenatal checkups, Dr. Meyer was concerned that she must have antenatal depression.

And his idea was soon confirmed.

Qin Yise locks herself in her room most of the time every day, and likes the space to be confined.

(End of this chapter)

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