you are the love of my life

Chapter 518 No Compromise

Chapter 518 No Compromise
But speaking from his father's own mouth, it was still a cruel blow.

The reality is often like this, which makes people powerless.
"After reading these, don't you feel anything?" Rong Zhanting asked meaningfully.

Qin Yise took a deep breath and replied calmly, "No."

She combined the materials in her hands, no matter how perfect her resume was, it was all written by people.

It doesn't necessarily mean that life can be so perfect.

"Xiyuan was brought up from a young age according to the etiquette of nobles. You can't even compare her hair."

Qin Yise smiled self-deprecatingly, "Needless to say it's so grand, it's just a way for your top giants to join forces. Don't you think it's ironic to use my insignificance to set off your greatness?"

"You really have a hard mouth. You haven't even graduated from college, so you have the nerve to make excuses!" Mr. Rong demoted her to the point where there was no scum left.

Who would let his son give up great resources and waste energy and time on an unknown junior like her instead of marrying Miss Gu who is both beautiful and intelligent?

"You said so much, I don't understand, but Mr. Rong wants me to retreat in spite of difficulties, not just threatening, but should use enough benefits to dismiss me."


Rong Zhanting said with a half-smile: "Uneducated people are indeed low-quality, and they know how to please. Miss Qin, how much do you think you are worth?"

With a smile on his face, he looked aloof and noble.

"My freedom is priceless, and my child is not a commodity. It can be bought and sold with money." Qin Yise replied decisively. He took her as something and measured it with vulgar value.

"You seem to be quite confident in yourself!"

"This is the principle, I know, I haven't even finished college, and the chance of going abroad is slim, but no matter what the Gu family or the Rong family, I am insignificant in your eyes, but I still know more about the basic principles of life than you a little."

She doesn't have the bad habit of looking down on people, which is already very good!
There are many things in this world that money cannot do.

Mr. Rong patted the table hard, with anger and embarrassment on his face, "How dare you talk to me in such a tone?"

"I'm sorry, I'm a well-bred person, and my quality has been eaten by dogs, so I'm offended. Please don't be offended."

Qin Yise apologized sincerely, but there was no sign of remorse on her face.

"You are so ambiguous, but I don't understand it. Miss Qin wants to leave my son, why is she regretting it now!"

Rong Zhanting's voice was indifferent.

"I want to leave him, but I don't want to give up on this child. Since staying with him is the safest thing, why don't I compromise and give the child a complete family?"

Qin Yise looked at him with a sincere look, "Rong Lao, you don't have to think of a way to drive me away, this will only make the relationship between you father and son even more unpleasant!"

Rong Zhanting pondered for a moment, and had to admit that what she said was right.

He thought of too many tricks to deal with her, but in the end, Jin Bei knew that he would only have deeper opinions and hatred for him.

Because of his mother's death, he still broods on it to this day!

"Are you worthy of me bargaining with me?" Rong Zhanting said with extreme dissatisfaction.

"I'm just fighting for my own interests." Qin Yise replied firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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