Chapter 525
"Excuse me..." the nurse yelled loudly.

There was a chaotic sound from the crowd of onlookers, which made people have a splitting headache.

Someone found Qin Ziqing's suspicious attire, looked at her, opened his mouth in disbelief and said, "It's her, the person who was arguing with Ms. Her murderous hand!"

"No, it's not me. You have identified the wrong person. It's none of my business. She fell down by herself. I just took what I deserve! Her life and death have nothing to do with me."

Qin Ziqing shook her head desperately, covered her face, and watched more and more people watching, she quickly turned around and ran towards the garage with the jewelry in her arms.

There are cops out there, and if you get caught, you're screwed.

People from the Gu family are also looking for her, Rong Jinbei will not let her go, and Qin Yise, she must be waiting to see her jokes, and then take the opportunity to make trouble.

No, she must not go to jail!
Then the rest of her life would be ruined.

Qin Ziqing gritted his teeth. Seeing the police car in front of him, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom without stopping. He rushed directly past the security hall and jumped out quickly.

After exchanging jewelry for money, there is no place for her here.

Unfortunately, because she was in a hurry to spend the money, the pawnshop kept the price of the jewelry down.

Originally worth tens of millions, but only mortgaged two million.

Qin Ziqing's heart was bleeding, and with the money pawned for jewelry, he sneaked into the car and was about to go to the airport.

But when she was passing through the security check, a group of men in black suddenly rushed out and lifted her from the gate to the black Mercedes like a prisoner.

She thought it was someone from the Gu family who came here, her face turned pale with fright, her lips trembled, and she kept saying: "Heroes, spare your lives, I know I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, please don't send me away!" Go to jail! I don't want to go to jail."

The group of people seemed to have not heard her, and ignored her at all, treating her as garbage and throwing her aside.

Qin Ziqing trembled for a long time, and after a while, the car stopped in front of a retro courtyard house. A man came over and asked in a cold voice, "Are you pawning these jewelry?"

Qin Ziqing opened his lips in astonishment, raised his neck and stared blankly at the strange man in front of him, but didn't realize it for a while, so he asked innocently and innocently, "Is there any problem?"

"If I ask you something, you just need to answer yes or no!"

The man lifted her neck through the car window, and the four characters of "absolutely not kind" were clearly written on his face.

Qin Ziqing heard his indifferent voice full of murderous intent, raised his eyes submissively, breathed with difficulty, and said word by word: "I did it."

"The next question, if you dare to lie, I will kill you immediately." The man pursed his thin lips lightly. From a close look, his facial features were inexplicably familiar. Behind the transparent lenses, there was a touch of amber in his eyes. color.

"I dare not lie to you. If there is even half a lie, let the master deal with it." Qin Ziqing just wanted to survive at this time. In order to survive, she was willing to do anything for her, let alone just ask a few words. That's it.

"Why sell jewelry?" The man began to ask, and even dragged her out of the car and tied her to a strange chair.

She wears a Teletubbies-like headgear and is punished with electric shocks if she tells a lie or flashes her words.

Qin Ziqing was tied to that chair, like a fish on a cutting board, he could only be slaughtered.

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(End of this chapter)

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