you are the love of my life

Chapter 527 It Wasn't On Purpose, It Was On Purpose

Chapter 527 It Wasn't On Purpose, It Was On Purpose
"I was too much?" Qin Yise sneered, with a sneer in her eyes: "My good sister, this is just to repay you for the good things you have done to me. Do you think the police will let you, a liar and kidnapper, be let go?"

Before the other party could speak again, she put down the phone directly, too lazy to talk nonsense.

Qin Ziqing held his breath in his chest and couldn't swallow it for a long time, so he could only stare at the phone!
Don't let her go?

So what!

The man who kidnapped him now seems to be quite powerful. If he can hide it from the sky, maybe his chances will turn around...

"Okay, Qin Yise, since you like fighting with me so much, then I'll spend it with you!"

Qin Ziqing clenched the phone tightly and growled in a low voice angrily.

She almost bent the phone, as if it was Qin Yise's face, doing so would allow her to vent a lot of hatred in her heart.

Qin Yise had just hung up the phone and picked up the hair dryer again to dry her hair when Rong Jinbei's ghostly figure appeared behind her.

With a tight handsome face, he looked straight at her and asked nervously, "Who's calling?"

"My half-sister," she replied truthfully.

"Use less of these things in the future, the radiation is too high, and less contact with dubious people, so as not to affect children."

He snatched the hair dryer from her hand, threw it aside, and picked up a dry towel to dry her hair.

Qin Yise held her breath, and let him touch her head roughly and yet gently.

But after wiping, those hands restlessly moved to her waist.

Rong Jinbei tightened his long arms, wrapping her tightly in his arms.

Qin Yise didn't struggle or move, she could clearly feel the hot temperature of the man through the pajamas, as if it was going to burn her skin.

She frowned slightly, and her breath was full of the faint smell of tobacco, wine, and not too strong perfume on his body.

This kind of feeling made Qin Yise uncomfortable. At least before, every time he came back from social engagements, he would take a bath before touching her...

Or wait for the smell on his body to dissipate before entering the room. He has never hugged her so recklessly.

Rong Jinbei's chin rested on the top of her head, and after an unknown amount of time, a man's deep voice came, "Stop acting recklessly, tell me all your wishes, and I will fulfill them for you."

Qin Yise distanced the two of them a little further, "My wish is very simple, I just hope that you will never touch me again!"

"This won't work. Sleeping in separate beds is already my limit, and you still want to make further progress?" Rong Jinbei put all his weight on her and refused righteously.

"Then don't make empty promises lightly, and make people happy for nothing." Qin Yise turned her head in disgust, not looking him in the eye.

Hearing this, Rong Jinbei chuckled and stared at her eyes, which were stained with complex dark colors.

He lowered his head and kissed the corner of her lips secretly: "It's not my fault, you have been tempting me all the time, and my concentration on you has always been very poor!"

Qin Yise has never seen such an unreasonable and shameless person. It's really shameless for her to blame her for her head full of pornographic trash.

After being stunned for a few seconds, she quickly understood his intentions and couldn't help but go crazy.

The man desperately moved his face close to her, wanting to take the opportunity to eat some tofu——

Qin Yise gritted her teeth, raised her head abruptly, and knocked his jaw away with all her strength.

(End of this chapter)

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