you are the love of my life

Chapter 529 Chapter 532

Chapter 529 Chapter 532
She is nothing more than his pet and toy, which he can play with and vent when he is happy.

If you are not happy, just hang it aside, and ignore it for ten days and a half months.
On the other side, Qin Ziqing, after being kidnapped by a strange man, did not receive any abuse, but served him with delicious food and drink.

Apart from being restricted in her freedom, her whole life is a bit more comfortable than hiding outside.

"Miss Qin, please come with us, the master wants to see you." The bodyguard walked in and conveyed with a blank expression.

Qin Ziqing opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Master, why does he want to see me?"

"You'll know it if you go!"

She was taken to a more luxurious European-style villa. The garden-style community was as big as a palace and had no end in sight. The decoration was extremely luxurious, and she looked like a wealthy businessman.

"Master, someone brought it here." The man stood outside the door, rang the doorbell, and said respectfully to the electronic eyes.

"Well, come in."

An old man's face popped up on the LCD screen, with a fat head and big ears, and there was an aura of calm and prestige between his brows, which made people dare not look directly at him.

His eyes swept over Qin Yise's body, with sharp scrutiny, as if he could see through people, Qin Ziqing's trembling body shrank involuntarily.

"Girl, sit down, I have something to ask you, it's best to answer truthfully, I hate liars the most!" said the old man, seemingly amiable.

The surroundings were so quiet that one could almost hear her own heartbeat. Qin Ziqing's palms were sweating nervously, and her lips were trembling in ignorance. She sat on the sofa well-behaved, not daring to move a bit.

Seeing her like this, the old man had some plans in his heart, and said with great disgust, "Are you Qin Zhentian's daughter?"

Qin Ziqing lowered his head, and timidly replied: "Yes."

"Then who else is in your family?"

"My mother passed away, my father went to jail, and only my little mother and I were left. A few days ago, all my family property was swept away by her, so I had to live on the streets and barely survive!"

"Lie! What's the relationship between that Qin Yise and you?"

" my half-sister. Because my mother died early, she was sent abroad, so many people don't know me, and they think my sister is the only daughter in the Qin family." Qin Ziqing said hurriedly. Xia hastily explained.

The old man looked at her a few times, and continued to ask meaningfully, "Yi Yao is really your mother. You just said that your sister and you are half-brothers?"

"Yes." Qin Ziqing paused, gritted his teeth, and replied decisively: "Qin Yise was born to my father and a dancing girl, and was adopted by his current wife and raised, but my mother is absolutely true. It is indeed his ex-wife, but I don't know, what does this have to do with you, old man?"

"You shouldn't ask, don't ask too much." The old man reprimanded her with a straight face.

Clenching his hands into fists, he sighed sadly, as if immersed in the sad past, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

Suddenly, the young man who was guarding outside suddenly turned around, walked towards this side, and asked in a mellow voice: "Father, there are nine out of ten she is my sister's daughter, there is absolutely no mistake."

Qin Ziqing looked at the man in front of him in astonishment. Didn't he go to investigate? He knew that he was full of doubts, so why did he help him lie?

She is obviously not Qin Yise, she just wants to impersonate her and enjoy a few days of happiness, why doesn't this man expose herself?

(End of this chapter)

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