Chapter 534 Doubt

"Pregnant...pregnant?" Mr. Yi seemed a little unbelievable, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Rong Jinbei nodded indifferently, as if he didn't see the difference in his face, and said in an ordinary tone: "We plan to go to Las Vegas to get the certificate, and when the wedding is held, Yi Laoke must reward you with a drink A glass of wedding wine."

"Don't worry, I will prepare a big red envelope for your wife and children." Mr. Yi looked a little dazed, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

He was in a daze for a while, before explaining a few words, then turned around and left.

"Master Yi is a little weird today, don't you think his expression is not right?"

"He's always been eccentric, okay, and he's notoriously difficult to deal with."

"But it stands to reason that he is happy to have found his granddaughter, but I haven't seen him smile once today."

The people around were chattering there, Rong Jinbei put down the wine glass in his hand, and glanced at their faces with displeasure: "Stop talking!"

With his low growl, these discussions quickly fell silent.

Mr. Yi returned to the lounge, unable to calm down for a long time.

He had doubted Qin Ziqing's authenticity from the very beginning, because the Qin family had two daughters. Although he had never met Qin Yise, his instinct told him that the one in front of him might not be his granddaughter.

Now Yi Hao is taking care of the family affairs, so he didn't think too much about it, he just wanted to see Qin Yise with his own eyes and completely dispel the doubts in his heart, so that he could accept Qin Ziqing wholeheartedly.

Such things as blood relationship cannot deceive people.

DNA can be faked, but the charm of appearance is brought from the womb.

Guessing is guessing, after all, Mr. Yi had far-sighted plans, and soon returned to normal, suppressing the suspicion in his heart.

"Father, so you are here, and I have been looking for it for a long time." Yi Hao opened the door and came in, smiled gently, and said.

"I'm just too tired, so I came up to take a rest, has the dance started?"

Yi Hao looked at his expression, fell silent for a while, and then forced a smile, "Yes, everyone is waiting for you to give a speech!"

"Okay." Mr. Yi squinted his eyes: "Where's Qingqing?"

"She's downstairs. I've already officially introduced her identity to everyone. I'm waiting for you, foster father, to cut the cake with her and take a few intimate photos, so that the media can report." Yi Hao replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Several times the words came to his lips, but Mr. Yi still didn't ask. Regarding that Qin Yise, he had to make a long-term plan.

Rong Jinbei is a nice young man, he has personally contacted him.

Old Master Yi rolled his eyes. If he told Yi Hao at this time that Qin Ziqing might be a fake, and he made a mistake in his investigation, he would definitely scare the snake away.

In order to make up for what he owed his daughter, Yi Hao transferred a lot of shares and real estate to this girl when he confirmed Qin Ziqing's identity.

In order to prove the generosity of the Yi family and his kindness as a grandfather, there is no rush to find Qin Yise to prove who is real and who is fake between the two of her sisters.

The party officially started, Yi Hao stood on the stage and said the prefix, "Everyone, today's party is mainly to announce a happy event, about the secret of our Yi family for more than 30 years..."


Mr. Yi suddenly stopped him.

Everyone turned their attention to him one after another. Could it be that the old man wants to announce this important event in person?
(End of this chapter)

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