you are the love of my life

Chapter 544 Test each other

Chapter 544 Test each other
"Smart people don't ask for trouble. Second Miss, if you want to survive, you'd better be smart!"

"What do you want to do?"

"Find out your background."

Did these kidnappers know that Qin Ziqing was a fake?
She was tied to a pillar, where Qin Ziqing had stayed before, a puff of smoke came in from outside, and the surrounding temperature was extremely sweltering.

It seemed that the crackling sound of sparks could still be heard, the fire spread around the factory building, and the iron gate was closed again. The man with the scar hesitated for a moment, and immediately asked Yi Hao for instructions on what to do next.

The man ordered indifferently, "You take your subordinates and leave first, and leave this woman behind. God is going to kill her, so it just saves us from doing it ourselves!"

"Yes, Mr. Shao."

The man with the scar hung up the phone and quickly left the scene with his brothers.

The fire was burning wantonly outside, and the thick smoke kept pouring in, making it difficult for Qin Yise to breathe.

Will she be smoked to death?
The baby in the womb can't be safe, no, she has to escape.

These kidnappers may have been recruited by Qin Ziqing to cooperate with them in a bitter trick.

I was so stupid as to want to find out the truth!

Oh, the result is not important at all, no matter who is real or who is fake, what the people behind the scenes want is her life from beginning to end.

Before she lost consciousness, she seemed to hear the driver's anxious shout, "Master, here, the door is locked, what should I do if I can't open it?"


Then, Qin Yise heard the sound of explosions, and the whole building shook.

A familiar voice kept calling her name in the mist.

"Qin Yise!"

Rong Jinbei rushed in braving the pungent smoke. The fire truck outside was still struggling to put out the fire. He finally found her on a stone pillar.

Before being unconscious by the thick smoke, Qin Yise struggled to open her eyes, trying to see the figure in front of her clearly, but she could only see a vague outline.

Rong Jinbei held her in his arms, took off his suit, and wrapped her tightly to prevent being burned by the fire when he went out.


After Qin Ziqing escaped, he returned to Yi's house in a panic, saw Yi Hao's figure, went up and hugged the man in front of him with an aggrieved face: "Uncle, you must make the decision for me and kill those scumbags. Want to kill me!"

Yi Hao saw that her body was dirty and covered with dust, and her face was like a cat's. He was extremely embarrassed, and frowned in disgust: "What's the matter? Someone dares to tie up the jewel in the palm of the Yi family?"

Yun Danqingfeng's words made Qin Ziqing's heart full of anger, and he had nowhere to vent it.

"Uncle takes care of family affairs and is busy with work. I'll go back to my room first. I shouldn't bother you with such a trivial matter. It's Ziqing's fault!"

She said, let go of the man's arm in a depressed mood, and walked upstairs slowly.

Yi Hao had no expression on his face, and didn't respond to her sensible behavior at all.

She is the daughter of the family, why is everyone so indifferent to her from top to bottom?

Yi Hao was about to go to the study to report work to his adoptive father, when he just walked to the door, he heard the sound of a phone call from inside.

Mr. Yi said to the man on the other end of the phone, "Jin Bei, I heard that my granddaughter had an accident, and it alarmed you?"

"Old Yi is serious, I just happened to pass by, and I can't help much." Rong Jinbei responded indifferently.

Mr. Yi chuckled twice, and stopped talking in circles, but said straight to the point: "But as far as I know, you rescued a comatose woman from the fire."

(End of this chapter)

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