you are the love of my life

Chapter 547 Want to marry an old man?

Chapter 547 Want to marry an old man?
If she becomes the mistress of that kind of family, her status will be enough to beat this girl by a dozen blocks...

But I heard that Mr. Yi is in his seventies and eighties.

Unable to control so much, Xu Kexin hurriedly changed her clothes, washed and dressed up, and took a taxi to the outside of Yi's villa.

"What are you doing?" The guard stopped her.

"I've come to see you as the head of the family. I have something important to report about Qin Ziqing's life experience."

"Wait, I'll go in and ask."

The guard hurriedly returned to the sentry box, picked up the landline, dialed the number of Mr. Yi's study, and asked respectfully: "Master, there is a lady who wants to see you, and said that she knows a thing or two about Ms. Qin's life experience!"

"Oh? Let her in."


Xu Kexin was led by her servant into the luxurious courtyard. She opened her mouth wide and looked around, she was so shocked by the building in front of her that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

In the first-tier cities where every inch of land is very expensive, it is impossible for ordinary wealthy families or high-ranking officials to own such a magnificent house.

She can be regarded as a woman who has seen the world, but she was still shocked by the strong financial resources of the Yi family!
In a hall, Mr. Yi was tasting Tieguanyin, sitting on the sofa, without looking at her, turned to the servant, and said lightly: "Let her explain the truth clearly one by one! "

"Yes, sir!"

The servant walked over, pointed a camera at Xu Kexin, and started video recording.

"As long as what you say is true, our master will not treat you badly. If there is a half-truth, your end will be terrible!"

Xu Kexin only felt her scalp tingling, and said nonchalantly: "I will never dare to deceive Mr. Yi. Qin Ziqing is actually the daughter of my husband and his ex-wife in the countryside. It is absolutely impossible for Mr. Yi to live outside Granddaughter, if you don't believe me, you can confront my husband."

Mr. Yi had already guessed that the DNA might be fake, but he felt in his heart that Qin Yise was more like his daughter.

Although he has never met him in person, the information he learned from the Internet is enough to make him suspicious!

Qin Ziqing purposely wandered outside until very late before returning home, but he didn't expect that the house was more lively than usual, and there was also an unexpected visitor.

She was carrying a bunch of shopping bags in her hand, and the servant behind her was carrying a pile of gift boxes as high as a mountain.

It's all her booty!

It's been a long time since I have had such a feast, and I feel that the days when I don't have to worry about money are simply like a fairy life.

But the dream is to wake up after all, the reality is very cruel, she can't allow her to stay for half a minute, so she fell from heaven to hell!

The moment he saw Xu Kexin, Qin Ziqing froze at the entrance of the hall, his feet seemed to have nails growing on them, and he could no longer move forward.

"Miss, the master invites you to come over and have something to confirm with you."

The servant came over, held her arm forcefully, and pulled her into the hall without any explanation.

Qin Ziqing came back to his senses and struggled desperately, the shopping bags were scattered all over the floor.

She shouted in a sharp voice: "Let go of me, you low-class people, do you have any rules, dare to touch me with dirty hands? I am a dignified young lady, how dare you treat me presumptuously..."

When the voice fell to the ground, he was interrupted by the displeased old man Rong, "Miss? Hehe, who allows you to yell and speak without restraint? Do you know this woman on the ground? She claims to be your stepmother, come and have a look ,Is it real?"

(End of this chapter)

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