you are the love of my life

Chapter 550 One is more cruel than one

Chapter 550
Looking at the man's gloomy face, Qin Ziqing felt chills in his heart.

She subconsciously struggled desperately, "I'm not crazy, Yi Hao, you bastard, you are not human, you told me to lie to grandpa at the beginning, but now you let me bear the consequences alone, why? I want to expose your conspiracy, You want to seize the position of the head of the family, you wolf-hearted guy!"

The man pursed his thin lips tightly, and winked at the servant in displeasure: "Have you said enough? Take her down and let the most authoritative psychiatrist come over and treat her well."

"Yes, Mr. Shao."

"I'm not mentally ill, how could you treat me like this?!" Qin Ziqing struggled in panic.

The servant was unprepared, and she almost broke free from his restraints.

The coldness in Yi Hao's eyes was so cold and ruthless that it was frightening, "You ruined my plan, and you still want to walk out alive?"

"It's against the law to kill people and silence them, what on earth do you want to do?" Qin Ziqing screamed, crying and asked: "Don't kill me, please, I can obey you in everything, please don't kill me. "

"Save your strength and ask God! I'm not a philanthropist. I don't have the time in the United States to do good deeds."

Yi Hao looked at her indifferently, paused for a few seconds, and continued: "Now you are completely useless to me. Only dead people and vegetable people are the best to keep secrets."

Qin Ziqing's eyes widened in fear, feeling that the man in front of him was completely crazy.

He wanted to kill himself alive, it was too inhuman.

She tried to run, but her arms were strangled, Yi Hao winked, "Why are you still standing there, why don't you hurry up and get rid of it?"

The two servants nodded, "Yes."

"Her condition is too serious, she must be treated well, and the doctor should not let the patient give up her life easily." The man said casually.

Soon, Qin Ziqing was dragged out, and her shrill screams could be heard along the road.

What is the saddest?
There is nothing like gaining and then losing.

One moment, she was still in heaven, being a noble young lady, but the next moment she was in a mental hospital, locked up with a group of lunatics.

Although it is not enough to die immediately, it is enough to torture people to the point of collapse.

She is abused by a group of lunatics every day, subjected to all kinds of violence, fell asleep and even woken up by being bitten. Her strong will to survive has made her stand firm again and again in desperate situations.

If you die, you will have nothing, and if you live, you can seek revenge on Qin Yise!
And that bitch Xu Kexin, who stabbed a knife in the back, counted her as ruthless.
The fire devoured everything ferociously, and the smoke was so choking that it was almost impossible to breathe.

Qin Yise was sweating profusely, opened her eyes suddenly, and found herself lying on the hospital bed.

The blinding white color and the strong smell of disinfectant water entered the eyes, the door opened, and Rong Jinbei walked in with a tray.

Seeing her wake up, he walked over in three steps and two steps, "Finally woke up, do you want something to eat?"

Qin Yise shook her head and said hoarsely, "I want to drink water."

She found that her voice was extremely unpleasant, and her vocal cords seemed to be cut, which was painful and itchy, extremely uncomfortable.

Rong Jinbei helped her up, put a pillow on her back, and then passed the warm water on the bedside to Qin Yise's mouth: "Wet your lower lip first, so you don't choke on it."

Qin Yise drank water very slowly, and the man fed her patiently without leaking a drop.

(End of this chapter)

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