you are the love of my life

Chapter 553 Choose to leave

Chapter 553 Choose to leave
Yi Hao winked at the side, "Miss Qin, call someone!"

"My mother never mentioned my grandfather to me, so I don't know how to recognize my relatives."

Mr. Yi was furious, but in the end he still couldn't get rid of his old face, and let Yi Hao act as a middleman, circling around and talking all kinds of good things.

The reason why Qin Yise was tempted was that she could leave Rong Jinbei and not be restrained by him anymore, being a canary in a cage.

As long as she recognizes the kiss, she will be free and have this child completely, and no one will dare to snatch it from her!

The room styles of Yijia Villa are all European series, with Dongfeng classical beauty, and the perfect combination is impeccable.

There are many rooms, but each one is empty and uninhabited.

Even if the servants clean it every day, so clean that no trace of dust can be seen, it still lacks popularity, like a soulless work of art, for people to watch.

No wonder Mr. Yi felt lonely. At the age when he should be full of children and grandchildren, he didn't have any heirs around him to fulfill his filial piety. He didn't know whether to say that he was sad or that he had to suffer for himself!

"Your mother followed me back to China when I was a child, and often stayed here for a while, but now that I think about it, it seems like a long time ago." The old man murmured to himself.

Qin Yise was sitting in a wheelchair with her pregnant belly out, feeling mixed feelings, unable to describe her specific feelings.

When I learned of my life experience, apart from being surprised, I was more regretful and regretful.

The mother passed away too early, and I couldn't look forward to the moment when the father and daughter reunited.

Until she died, she must have thought that she was the daughter abandoned by the family, so she kept her mouth shut in such despair!
When Qin Yise saw the photos on the wall, she choked up several times.

She had never seen any photos of her mother's girlhood, Qin Zhentian broke up with her, and even burned all the relics.

Yi Yao's facial features are very similar to hers, but You Qi's eyes are almost exactly the same. Qin Yise touched the photo frame and asked, "Is this my mother?"

"Of course! This room is where she lived before, and nothing has been touched. It has remained so for more than 20 years."

"After all these years, why didn't you look for her? If I had found her sooner, my mother wouldn't have died..." Qin Yise suddenly turned her head and asked out of control.

Mr. Yi sighed, unable to answer her question.

Yi Hao, who was behind him, explained calmly: "Yiser, you are pregnant, so you shouldn't be emotional. Your mother ran away from home back then and didn't leave any information. Even if the adoptive father wanted to find her, he was still looking for a needle in a haystack. What's more, in those years, the Yi family's business was busy, and there was no time to come to the country to find someone. We all thought that she would go back when she was tired from playing, but who would have thought that this would be the result—"

"Everyone is dead, of course you can find countless excuses to come here." Qin Yise looked at those photos sadly and choked up several times.

"Who made your mother refuse to follow the family's arrangement to get married, and what kind of man did she choose in the end? It's an insult to the family to end up in such a tragic end!"

Mr. Yi was so angry that he blew his beard and stared. He didn't care about the past, but he didn't expect this little girl to have a good movie, and she actually settled an old score with him!
Really sharp-tongued.

Qin Yise's eyes turned red, and she said sadly: "Hehe, you guys don't understand, the despair a person faces before he dies is forged by how many disappointments he has experienced."

"That's not only your mother, but also my daughter, how can I not feel sad?" Old Master Yi snapped.

(End of this chapter)

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