Chapter 566
"Why are you still standing still! Prepare to rescue!"

Luo Yunfan's expression was serious, his eyes could shoot fire.

He is a very dedicated surgeon. In his dictionary, saving lives and healing the wounded, patients always come first.

He pursed his thin lips tightly, seeing the pale face of the woman in his arms, without any breath, his brows furrowed fiercely...

Based on his many years of clinical experience, this woman should have lost too much blood, resulting in extreme weakness.

Qin Yise was carried into the emergency room, with nurses and assistants making preparations beside her.

When the assistant doctor checked Dr. Qin's wound, he found a deep gash in her abdominal wound, took a deep breath and said, "Dr. Luo, this lady seems to have just given birth, her body hasn't recovered well, and her wound is also inflamed... "

"Shut up! Take the time to disinfect and suture!"

Luo Yunfan was wearing a mask and a sterile gown, with only his eyes exposed, and said in a simple and horrified way.


The assistant doctor was unambiguous and moved quickly with his hands and feet.

Qin Yise's breathing was weak, and her heartbeat became increasingly unstable.

Luo Yunfan stared at the various data, quickly dropped the surgical forceps in his hand, and quickly gave her heart compressions.

"Miss, be strong, don't sleep, wake up, your most important person is still waiting for you outside!"

No matter how the doctor shouted, Qin Yise didn't feel anything.

Naturally, I can't see Dr. Luo, who has always been extremely handsome, going out of control as he is now, frantically saving a patient who is young and dying.

"Electric shock! Hurry up."

"Doctor Luo, if the patient has complications, such a risky rescue will kill him at any time..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"


Luo Yunfan looked at Qin Yise, whose face was gradually pale, her gloves were stained with her blood, "Miss, wake up, although I don't know what you have gone through, but a woman is a mother, you fell down, What about your child? Don't sleep, do you hear me? Wake me up quickly!"

Sometimes the patient's willpower is thousands of times more effective than the doctor's superb rescue methods.

The assistant doctors and nurses next to him, seeing Luo Nanshen like this, didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.

I have to admit that a serious and dedicated man looks the most handsome!

"Doctor Luo, the patient's blood pressure has stabilized, and the wound has been stitched up... If she still doesn't want to wake up, there's nothing she can do."

Hearing this, Luo Yunfan breathed a sigh of relief, nodded in a trance, and backed away from the operating table.

He raised his hands, it was the first time in history that he actually got so nervous due to a small trauma.

"She just had a cesarean section, and she is exercising so violently. If it wasn't for the timely rescue, the consequences would be really unimaginable... I went to contact the obstetrics department and asked them to take the patient back. How could she run around like this? It's really too much." It's dangerous!"

If this patient hadn't been lucky enough to meet Dr. Luo, he would have died long ago.

On the other side, Yi Hao and Yi Futian led their subordinates to search Qin Yise from floor to floor.

As soon as they saw young women in hospital gowns, they immediately ran over, turned over their bodies, and stared at their faces carefully.

"Where is the person! Did you find it?"

"No, I didn't see it."

"Idiots, a bunch of trash!"

Yi Hao angrily kicked the medical waste recycling bin placed in the corner to the ground. Luo Yunfan just passed by and frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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