you are the love of my life

Chapter 568 1 It's Too Late

Chapter 568 It's Too Late
"Thank you." Qin Yise curled her lips, she really didn't know what to say other than these two words.

"You're welcome, it's the doctor's duty to save lives and heal the wounded!" Luo Yunfan smiled like an angel.

Even the thousand-year-old ice and snow seem to be melted instantly by his warm smile...

It is said that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings. Why does Qin Yise feel that there is only endless bitterness!

She closed her eyes tiredly, the drip on the back of her hand was infusing nutrients, even if she didn't eat anything, she wouldn't feel hungry.

At this moment, her mind was chaotic, and what she thought about the most was Rong Jinbei who was far away in the sky.
In China, all news about her was blocked, and there was almost no news about her.

All the assets of the Yi family were also transferred overseas, and most of the houses were sold to high-ranking officials!
Ling Tuo stood at the security checkpoint of the airport, walking back and forth anxiously. After a while, the young master came back from a business trip. How would he explain what happened during this period?
Rong Shao had only been on a business trip to Kenya for half a month, and had originally finished the work at hand and planned to concentrate on recovering his woman and child.

But all this now.But earth-shaking changes have taken place!

However, during this period, Rong Zhanting specially ordered everyone to keep their mouths shut and not to reveal any information to the young master.

He just wanted to prevent the young master from coming back in time, and when the situation has reached an irreversible point, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, it will be of no avail...

Seeing that the arrival time of the plane is getting closer and closer, it's too bad, if the young master asks Miss Qin later, will he tell the truth?
Or prevaricate?
Ling Tuo's heart is very tangled, paper can't contain fire...

After half a month of negotiation, Rong Jinbei finally finalized all the export business!
His tall and slender figure came out of the gate, with his thin lips tightly pressed under the black sunglasses, it seemed that the exhaustion of the past few days did not affect his handsomeness in the slightest.

Handsome facial features stand out in the crowd, Rong Jinbei only brought a driver behind him, holding a briefcase, and followed his pace neatly without squinting.

The two came out one after the other. Ling Tuo quickly wiped the sweat from his brow, stepped forward to greet him, bowed his head and nodded and said:
"The young master has had a hard journey. The five-star hotel is ready. Do you want to go there and rest?"

"No need, go directly to the company." Rong Jinbei's rhinoceros eyes behind the sunglasses stared at him faintly, his voice was low and hoarse.

I have been tired for a long time, and I fainted some time ago, and I haven't had a good rest. My body is still a little tired, and it is in an alarm state!
"Master, do you want to explain to him first? He attaches great importance to this project, and the company's stock price will multiply several times with the major benefits. He has no reason to suppress you anymore. As the saying goes, there is no overnight feud between father and son. Ah, it's not going to do him any good against you."

"That's enough, ignore him." Rong Jinbei interrupted him calmly, walking steadily forward, suddenly stopped, and suddenly turned his head, which startled Ling Tuo.

"What else does the young master want?"

"During the time I was not in the country, did anything happen?"

", the company is operating normally, and everyone is in peace."

"We are safe and sound?" Rong Jinbei glanced across his face lightly, and finally snorted coldly: "You'd better pray that we are safe and sound, or get the hell out of me and go to Africa, and you won't be allowed for a year or so." return!"

(End of this chapter)

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