Chapter 588
When she woke up from the hospital and found that her child was gone, only she knew how desperate she felt.

At that time, she even had the thought of dying, but she was not reconciled. With that bit of resentment, she was able to support until now!
Unexpectedly, Yi Hao actually hid her child. He wanted to use this to threaten her and achieve his own dirty purpose.

After Qin Yise finished speaking, she seemed to have thought of something, her brows were tightened again, her eyes were dim.

"What's the matter?" Rong Jinbei asked uneasily, seeing her ever-changing emotions.

Maybe women are prone to depression after giving birth, Qin Yise's mood at the moment is like a roller coaster, going up and down.

"Will the child be transferred? Also, how is his health? Has he inherited any bad diseases?" Qin Yise asked a series of questions that worried her.

"I'm going to the hospital soon, don't think about it, Meier will deal with it, don't worry, I have experienced DNA, it is my species, but it is not combined with your egg cells, so I don't know gone."

Rong Jinbei said half-jokingly, using what she just said to block her.

"Nonsense, the one that came out of my stomach is of course my own, unless you have another illegitimate child with another woman, and you want to fool me and cheat the marriage?" Qin Yise slapped him and guessed.

The more she thinks about it, the more terrifying it becomes. It's not impossible. After all, she hasn't seen her child, and Rong Jinbei brings a child and says it's hers. She will be foolish to believe it?
Still marrying him for this, what if he is lying to himself?
Qin Yise looked at him in fear, the suspicion in his eyes deeply hurt Rong Jinbei's heart.

"In your heart, I am so omnipotent. When I get an illegitimate child out, I can count it? Or do you think that with my IQ, I will do such a stupid thing after all my troubles?"

Rong Jinbei smiled angrily, and continued: "Except for Gu Xiyuan's accident, how could I let other women have the opportunity to conceive my own child? Even if I want to cultivate heirs and screen them through genes, but what With such a great ability, to bring out an illegitimate child with just the right time to fool you? After all, I am pregnant in October, and once I give birth, you are too overestimating my ability!"

"The men in your Rong family have so many minds, I don't know when it's true and when it's false." Qin Yise replied depressedly.

Is male bullying a good thing, or a worry?

At least he is dedicated, always showing a look that you must be there anytime, anywhere.

When they arrived at the hospital and got out of the car, Qin Yise nervously held the arm of the man beside him...

Rong Jinbei glanced sideways slightly, looking at her, the unconcealable tenderness in his eyes calmed her worries.

"Go in, you are at least braver than the baby, he is still waiting for you, take this step, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Qin Yise's heart rose to her throat.

She felt that if she chose to be with him because of the child, it would be cruel and excessive!

Rong Jinbei seemed to understand the thoughts in her heart, raised his eyebrows, and blurted out: "Did you really never love me? Even a little bit?"

"Not before, I don't know in the future." She replied without thinking.

"If you hadn't returned to your country, you would definitely have gotten along with that doctor, right? After all, the possibility of falling in love with each other is relatively high, and he is so gentle and handsome. All aspects are your criteria for choosing a mate!"

President Rongda asked with gusto, the slightly raised smile on the corner of his mouth seemed harmless, but a dark light flashed away in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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