you are the love of my life

Chapter 595 Hitting the gun, asking for it

Chapter 595 Hitting the gun, asking for it
"Don't bother, I want to see you now."

The place where Qin Yise made an appointment was a coffee shop, and a low-key and luxurious business car was parked at the door.

Luo Yunfan got out of the car in casual clothes.

With slender and straight legs wrapped in trousers, he walked all the way into the elevator, with a smile that was not a smile, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, causing countless women to scream and look back, staring at his back like a nympho.

"Doctor Luo, here."

The elevator door opened, and Qin Yise had been waiting outside for a long time with the baby in her arms.

Luo Yunfan was stunned when he saw the child in her arms, "You are..."

"Please save my child, you are so good at medicine, you must have a solution, right?"

Qin Yise pleaded with pear blossoms in the rain.

"Okay, okay, talk slowly if you have something to say, don't cry, pregnant women can't cry, it's not good for your eyes."

Luo Yunfan said nervously.


Qin Yise nodded.

She put almost all her hopes on Luo Yunfan.

After the two sat down, they each ordered a cup of coffee.

"This child is so beautiful, very similar to you, and will definitely be a beauty embryo in the future." Luo Yunfan spoke first.

"Unfortunately, she inherited my blood type." Qin Yise curled her lips bitterly.

"Is that so..." Luo Yunfan frowned, and after thinking for two seconds, he said: "I have treated patients with thalassemia, but the surgery didn't have a very satisfactory effect. If you use conservative medicine, your life is still safe."

"Are you even helpless?"

"Don't be nervous. Even if the symptoms are severe, what I can guarantee is that she will keep her life safe."

Sure enough, it was the same as what Dr. Meyer said...

But Qin Yise was still relieved, she had an inexplicable sense of trust in Luo Yunfan, "Do you want to stay in China, Doctor Luo, or go back to Europe?"

"Don't worry, I won't leave for now!"

He came here for her...

Qin Yise nodded, looked at him gratefully, and thanked him repeatedly.


The phone in her bag rang suddenly, she looked at the screen, put it to her ear after it was connected, "Hello, hello."

"Qin Yise, you really linger!"

"Gu Xiyuan? Miss Gu, what exactly do you want?" She retorted impatiently.

"I don't want to do anything, I'm just curious that you climbed up a high branch and walked away, why are you coming back!"

Gu Xiyuan said, with a hint of disdain in her tone.

"What does this have to do with you?"

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking." Gu Xiyuan said confidently at the other end: "Only the dead can never defeat the living. You should understand what I mean!"

"So, Miss Gu wants to blame me for the pain of losing her son?"

"Isn't it because of you?" Gu Xiyuan asked angrily.

Qin Yise didn't bother to pay attention to her: "You can think whatever you like, I have nothing to say!"

She didn't have the time and energy to mess around with her.

The little friendship I had as a classmate in the past, and the gratitude to her, all disappeared...

When Gu Xiyuan heard this, the anger in her heart was almost enough to burn everything up: "Aren't you afraid that Uncle Rong wants to take back his granddaughter? Even if it's a girl, it's still in his blood."


It's so ridiculous, how could a grandfather be so cruel as to kill his own granddaughter?

"This is my child, and I will not let anyone take her away from me!"

(End of this chapter)

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