you are the love of my life

Chapter 607 Fortunately, It's Just a Dream

Chapter 607 Fortunately, It's Just a Dream
Qin Yise smiled faintly as a response.

"Are you tired, rest first, I'll order dinner for you later!"

Luo Yunfan looked at her, and said in a gentlemanly manner, his eyes followed the crib to look at the baby inside, and he did not forget to tell him: "If there is anything abnormal about the child, remember to call me in time, and he will be admitted to the hospital in two days for treatment. gone."

It was Luo Yunfan's first time accepting such a young patient, and he was a little nervous, afraid that he might not be careful enough, and something might go wrong in some link.

Although he has performed heart surgery on newborn babies and has many successful cases, this time is different after all.

"Okay, thank you." Qin Yise looked at him gratefully, "Then I'll rest for a while."

She almost ran away, not wanting outsiders to see her poor condition.

Luo Yunfan didn't expose her either, and followed her words: "Okay, you go to sleep, I'm in the room, if you need anything, COLL me."


Qin Yise nodded slightly, and watched Luo Yunfan leave the room.

As if thinking of something, she suddenly spoke out in a hurry and called out the man who was about to leave, "Wait... Doctor Luo... Yunfan, is there anyone you don't know these days who is bothering you?"

Why did Rong Jinbei suddenly become so quiet, without any movement, it's not like his style.

"Are you the father who is worried about the child? Don't worry, even if he finds me, my teacher can be regarded as a respectable person, no matter how powerful he is, he dare not give a little face."

"That's good."

Qin Yise breathed a sigh of relief, walked towards the door, waved goodbye, and finally returned to her bed.

Rong Jinbei didn't even pay attention to Qiao's family, and he didn't even look at Mr. Qiao's face!

This made Qin Yise suspect that maybe there really is no one in City C that President Rongda dare not mess with!


She lay on the bed with the crib within reach, surrounded by the soft air conditioner, closed her eyes, and forced herself to sleep.

But falling asleep, those painful memories, like the slow motion in a movie, flooded up like a flood.

Unable to tell whether it was a dream or reality, she heard the cry of the baby and walked over through the fog, only to find that there was nothing in front of her eyes.

She followed the crying sound and kept looking around, but she couldn't see the child.

Qin Yise was so anxious that she was sweating profusely. At the end of the fog, she found a light source and a door behind it.

At the door stood Rong Jinbei and Gu Xiyuan, wearing wedding gowns, standing side by side arm in arm...

The bridesmaid next to Gu Xiyuan is Xiao Feifei. She is holding her child in her arms, and is having a wedding ceremony with her child's father.

The man was tall and tall, with an indifferent face.

Qin Yise ran up anxiously, trying to snatch the child back, but she kept falling and couldn't get close to them, and could only watch them take her child away.

"No, give me back the baby—"

When the camera turned, Qin Yise shook her head, trying to wake up from the dream, but the nightmare haunted her and prevented her from waking up.

She dreamed that she was hugging Rong Jinbei's thigh, begging him not to abandon herself and her child and marry another woman.

But he said indifferently: "I'm tired of you, it's all your fault!"

Panting heavily, Qin Yise woke up from the dream and sat up from the bed. Looking at the room in front of her, she realized that those horrible scenes just now were just dreams...

(End of this chapter)

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