you are the love of my life

Chapter 613 This is his trick

Chapter 613 This is his trick

But her ears seemed to be deaf, and she stood there stupidly, motionless.

"Qin Yise—"

Rong Jinbei roared with all his strength, no matter how he called her name, she didn't respond.

He just stared blankly at the headlights rushing toward him.

At the very moment, Rong Jinbei's pupils shrank slightly, and his whole body shook violently. Without even thinking about it, he stretched out his long arms and pushed the woman who was a few meters away, then grabbed the baby carriage, and turned to the side.

The car kept rushing towards this side in a crooked manner. The driver saw someone in front of him, and suddenly he was half sober, and was so frightened that he quickly shifted gears and braked.The steering wheel swung sharply to the left.

While taking care of his daughter in the stroller, Rong Jinbei was concerned about the injury of the woman next to him, and had no time to take care of his own situation...

And the moment Qin Yise fell heavily to the ground, the pain made her wake up instantly.

Her heart froze fiercely, her eyes froze for a moment, as if someone had slapped her hard!

The skin on both hands was scratched, and they were propped on the concrete floor, with blood continuously slipping down from the palms.

Qin Yise was stunned, and looked at the bloody man in front of him stupidly.

Rong Jinbei was hit by a car and flew several meters away, with both hands still tightly protecting the stroller.

Fortunately, the stability of this stroller is good, the safety design is in place, and the child does not have any injuries.

But Rong Jinbei's forehead, arms and legs were covered with bruises and wounds.

The blood was flowing, instantly staining his white shirt red, it looked shocking...

Rong Jinbei picked up the child, got up from the ground, turned his head to look at Qin Yise, stared at her deeply, his eyes were affectionate and worried.

His face was pale, without the slightest trace of blood, and the wound on his forehead was still bleeding, like a trickling brook, dirtying his handsome face, and his handsome facial features were completely blurred by blood.

Qin Yise froze in place, her voice went hoarse for an instant, she couldn't utter any syllables, and she forgot to react.

"Don't worry, the baby is fine. You don't want to be like this in the future. How can you take care of the baby when you are absent-minded? It's dangerous, do you know? What if something happens?"

His reprimanding voice taunted her a series of times.

However, Qin Yise felt her nose sore. Fortunately, there was no danger. Just now, her mind was wandering, her mind was blank, and she didn't know what she was thinking at all.

As a result, he called her name three times in a row, but she didn't realize that the danger was approaching.

Thinking back on it now, I was frightened for a while, my whole body was cold, and I was shivering with lingering fear.

The blood on his face scalded her like lava. Qin Yise hesitated for more than ten seconds before getting up from the ground, reached out and took out a tissue and handed it to him.

"Thank you just now, go and bandage the wound, it's not a trivial matter to have a disfigured face."

She didn't dare to touch his body, and even looking at the wound felt her fingers trembling badly.

When Rong Jinbei reached out to take the tissue, she grabbed her hand, and Qin Yise retracted like a sting, and quickly took out her mobile phone, ready to call 120 and call for an ambulance.

Rong Jinbei saw her plan and reached out to stop her, "Don't bother, it will be easier to call Ling Tuo over. If a small injury gets out, it will be detrimental to the company. The media will exaggerate it, and then there will be another wave of trouble." !"

Qin Yise held the phone, gritted her teeth, and said a little worriedly: "Are you really okay if you don't go to the hospital like this? Then give me the phone, and I'll call Assistant Ling to come over."

(End of this chapter)

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