you are the love of my life

Chapter 616 Can Be Nothing

Chapter 616 Can Be Nothing
Because she knew that no matter whether she was responsible or not, Rong Zhanting would take the blame on her.

Mr. Rong frowned, walked back and forth several times, pointed at Ling Tuo angrily and cursed: "Trash, what's the use of raising you? You can't even do such a small thing well!"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, he directly raised his crutches, and hit Ling Tuo hard on the back.

The heavy noise can be heard clearly from inside and outside the room.

Qin Yise's heart fluttered, because they would be punished so severely just because they failed to protect their boss well.

This bare fruit is tantamount to slapping Rong Jinbei in the face.

"Assistant Ling, remember, you are not only a bodyguard, but also the young master's personal assistant. You can't even explain how he was injured."

In the whole incident, Ling Tuo was a lamb who was blamed, and was reprimanded dissatisfied by Mr. Rong, "Do you think I should fire an incompetent employee like you?"

"Enough is enough. He is my man. I will judge whether he is incompetent."

Rong Jinbei stood there with a straight face, and opened his mouth coldly, but his eyes were fixed on the door. Even though he couldn't see Qin Yise's figure from his angle, he could feel that she was outside, not at all. go far.

Ling Tuo looked humble, and stood there with his head down, not caring about the injury on his back. He was neither humble nor overbearing, and his attitude of admitting his mistakes was very sincere.

"You don't know that your life has gone astray, and I am helping you correct it now, are you still not grateful?" Rong Zhanting's face was quite ugly.

His son would actually speak for this kind of servant.

It's getting more and more unruly!

No wonder the ancients said that if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black.

Qin Yise was the chief culprit who brought his son into harm's way.

Rong Jinbei withdrew his gaze, gave him a cold look, and said, "I don't have time to explain so much to you right now, there's nothing important, you go back first, and I'll call you when your injury recovers."

"Stinky boy, what's your attitude?"

"Dad, didn't you see that you are not welcome here?" Rong Jinbei countered him lightly, reminding him of this fact.

The father and son were about to quarrel, their faces were red, and they had to meet each other in battle.

Qin Yise came specially to express her apology, after all, if it wasn't for her, Rong Jinbei would not have been hurt.

"I was the one who hurt your son. One person does the work and the other bears the burden. If Mr. Rong thinks that slap just now is not enough to relieve his hatred, feel free to come at me and don't embarrass others."

Hearing this, Rong Zhanting turned around, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He stared at Qin Yise who suddenly appeared at the door for a long time before he said proudly, "Qin Yise, what are you? If you want to seduce my son and rekindle your old relationship with him, you are really not idle. If you have the time, why not read more news, haven't you seen that the Gu family and the Rong family are about to get married? There will be a happy event soon, and you still come to disturb it What is it? You have to mess up their wedding to make you happy?"

Questioning so loudly made Qin Yise feel ashamed.

Sometimes negative stimulation is a good medicine...

For example, at this moment, Qin Yise hugged the child in her arms tightly, and the unspeakable grievance felt extremely uncomfortable in her chest.

She took a deep breath and said, "Rong Lao, in your eyes, I may be nothing, but why your son didn't come home in the middle of the night, but was hit by a car in front of the hotel, who seduced who, who had evil intentions, no Is it clear at a glance? You fabricate it out of thin air and slander people at will, but you will be held legally responsible."

(End of this chapter)

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