Chapter 621
"I never thought about it that way."

Rong Jinbei stared into her eyes and said word by word.

"It doesn't matter what you think."

The key is his father's actions, which are too chilling...

Qin Yise said in a low voice, not wanting to talk about this matter any more.

The distance between the two of them was a few steps away, but it seemed that they were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, which could not be crossed.

"Rong Jinbei, don't treat me like a fool anymore, fool me, fool me!"

She has passed the age of innocence, but it doesn't mean she is stupid.

"How can the woman I like be a fool." The man frowned.

"How come? Hehe, you are insulting my IQ. Don't tell me that you don't know what your father did?"

Qin Yise curled her lips ironically, and continued: "At the beginning you said that everything had nothing to do with you, and I believed it to be true, but now, why do you hide the child's illness and keep silent about what your father did? In this way, doesn't it mean that he acquiesced in his behavior?"

Rong Jinbei approached her body, staring at her deeply with black eyes, like a huge whirlpool, firmly attracting her, trying to sweep her into it.

"I didn't acquiesce, let alone indulge him to hurt you, but he is my father, I want you to be safe and well, and stay by my side, so you have to keep getting stronger and fight against him."

It sounds like a promise.

But she didn't dare to believe it anymore, because the oath was so beautiful, like a bubble, it would burst if touched...

When he was about to approach her, Qin Yise turned around quickly, wanting to run away.

But Rong Jinbei seemed to expect that she would run away, so he forced her to the corner of the sofa and surrounded her.

Qin Yise raised her eyes and stared at him, "What do you mean?"

"I really want to punish you on the spot and teach you to behave yourself!" Rong Jinbei said in a low voice.

"Are you still human?" Qin Yise glared at him coldly.

She hasn't recovered yet, even if she recovers well, she won't have any physical contact with him again.

"I'm a normal man." Rong Jinbei's thin lips moved, and he said swearingly, "You do the math, how long have you kept me naked? If this continues, my brother will get rusty sooner or later."

Qin Yise was speechless.

"You can use Fifth Girl to solve the problem, or ask Gao Ming!"

She glanced at his fingers meaningfully.

When Rong Jinbei heard this, he hooked his lips charmingly: "Even Miss Wu knows it, it seems that you know a lot..."

Qin Yise heard the teasing meaning in his words, her cheeks flushed slightly, she coughed twice in embarrassment, and said unnaturally: "I used to hear it from my roommates a lot, so it will become familiar to me after listening too much!"

Rong Jinbei put his hands on both sides of her body leisurely, forming a circle around Qin Yise, and imprisoning her in his arms.

His handsome face kept expanding in front of her, and his lips got closer and closer, but when the distance was less than one centimeter, he suddenly stopped.

Being too close, his breath was almost sprayed on her face.

Qin Yise was flustered, she pushed him away blushing, frowned and said, "Get up!"

"Didn't you say you wanted to try Miss Wu?" He said meaningfully, his eyes firmly locked on hers.

Qin Yise felt the heat in her eyes, felt her palms burn, and an indescribable feeling spread from her heart.

"You have your own hands. If you think it's not enough, then go to nightclubs or bars. There are many beautiful women who can help you. I don't know how to do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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