Chapter 629

"If you give me a chance, should I be grateful?" Qin Yise smiled sarcastically.

"I didn't mean that, why do you misinterpret my words again and again." Rong Jinbei looked at her dissatisfied.

His hair was disheveled, his eyes were sleepy, and he carried the lazy and evil charm of just waking up.

Qin Yise turned her eyes and met his eyes, "You are like this in my eyes. You are not trustworthy, do not do business without treachery, and put profit first in everything. Although my IQ is not as high as yours, but these basic problems I can still read it."

She couldn't pretend to be stupid and act as if everything had never happened.

"What did you understand?"

The man curled his lips into a half-smile.

"You and your father, one sings the red face and the other sings the bad face, and I am the fool who was fooled by you father and son!" Qin Yise said.

"I am me, he is him, don't confuse the two of us, it is the best choice for your daughter to be put in this hospital, if you insist on taking her away, don't regret it if something happens to you!"

What Qin Yise said is correct, he is a businessman, and he can't get rid of his true nature of putting profit first.

"Okay, I will bear all the consequences!"

As long as the men from the Rong family don't come to make trouble, she believes that there will be absolutely no accidents.

"This is what you said, you'd better remember it." After Rong Jinbei finished speaking, he turned coldly and walked towards the hospital bed with an angry face.

Qin Yise breathed a sigh of relief, if he didn't stop her, that would be the best result.

"You take care of your wounds, I'll go first." Qin Yise said, and was about to turn around when suddenly a few nurses rushed over, looking very anxious.

"You are the parent of Ward 1204, right? The child suddenly has a high fever and is in critical condition. Dr. Meyer asked us to invite you over."

"I am!"

Qin Yise's heart immediately twitched.

And a steady voice came from behind, not as self-willed as before, the voice was very low, with a hint of tension.

"What's wrong with the child, when I handed it over to him, it was fine?"

"She is severely anemic, and now she has a fever. She is afraid of complications. What Dr. Meyer means is to discuss with her family members, and it is best to get a blood transfusion as soon as possible!" The nurse did not hide her.

"Then why didn't he inform me directly." Rong Jin Beijun's face was slightly dark, suspicious was his habit.

"Dr. Meyer is undergoing an operation, and he will come out of the operating room in about 10 minutes. You are injured, so let your wife go over to sign and stay with the child."

The nurse's tone was a little hasty. When Rong Jinbei heard that sentence about your wife, instead of correcting them, he said, "I'll go with her."

"It's best to come together, time is urgent, don't talk so much, hurry up."

The nurse hurriedly turned around and walked back.

Qin Yise's mind was in a mess, so she didn't have time to think about it, so she followed the nurse's footsteps and hurried forward.

"You are the mother of the child, and I am the father. Just now the nurse said that we are husband and wife. It seems that other people also think that we are a good husband and wife."

Rong Jinbei's voice came from above his head, and Qin Yise glanced at him nervously.

"What do you mean? You're still in the mood to joke around at this moment!"

Qin Yise paused, bit her lip, and glared at him, not wanting to pay any further attention.

Before I reached the children's ward, I could hear the crying of the baby, heart-piercing and hoarse.

Qin Yise stepped up, approached, and looked inside through the glass. In the middle of the white hospital bed, the baby was lying in the middle, wearing only a diaper, covered with pipes.

(End of this chapter)

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