Chapter 632
"Eat less of this kind of barbecued food. You will be weak after childbirth, and you should take supplements instead of overeating."

Qin Yise heard him say three things, all of which are inseparable from her health. She is indeed a doctor, and her occupational diseases are very serious!

"These snacks can only be enjoyed in this kind of place. Five-star hotels may not be able to make that taste."

Luo Yunfan stared at the smiling face of the woman in front of him, his eyes were deep, and he said in a deep voice: "You don't need to deliberately pretend, you should cry when you feel uncomfortable, and lie down and have a good rest when you are tired. It is your own health capital that is being exhausted. .”

"I'm not tired, I just find it difficult to be a human being." Qin Yise opened another can of beer without raising her head, and took a big gulp.

"I have already thought of a way to save your child, but it is only in the experimental stage, and I cannot guarantee 100% success."

"Thank you, Dr. Luo." Qin Yise grinned, bent her eyes, and toasted him with a glass of wine.

"But I look at you, and when you hear the news, you don't look half happy."

Luo Yunfan put down his beer and looked at her complicatedly. No one's expression could escape his eyes.

He analyzed the patient's psychological emotions very accurately.

Qin Yise was overwhelmed with alcohol, her face was flushed from drinking, and her eyes were foggy.

"I don't know what it feels like to be happy anymore, I only know that my heart is so painful that it is going to be numb!"

While talking, Qin Yise desperately poured wine into her mouth.

Although it is beer, it also has alcohol concentration, especially when she is depressed, and she is not intoxicated by alcohol, she is intoxicated by herself!

"Okay, you've had enough."

Luo Yunfan quickly got up to stop her, and snatched the beer can from her hand.

"Let me drink, I haven't had enough yet." Qin Yise's voice changed, and she looked at him with a smirk: "Doctor Luo, you are really kind to people, but it's a pity that I can't afford this kindness." Can't ask for..."

"Why? When happiness comes, you should grab it, right?" Luo Yunfan resisted the throbbing in his heart, and finally asked the words he had endured for a long time.

Qin Yise was in a daze, and replied inarticulately: "I know that it doesn't belong to me, but I still grab it. Isn't that futile? Don't waste your time on me, you will have your own happiness. Because you deserve better!"

"No, in my eyes, although you are not perfect, you are the most pleasing to the eye."

Because at a glance, she felt that she was destined to be the soul mate that he wanted to pursue.

Even if she is famous and beautiful, he is still willing to be a person who cherishes flowers.

The smile on Qin Yise's face froze, she wasn't completely drunk, so she picked up another can of beer and opened it, and continued drinking to hide her embarrassment.

"You are not in good health, drink less alcohol." Luo Yunfan said worriedly, reaching out and snatching the can from her hand.

Qin Yise opened the bottle again, turned sideways, raised her head and downed all the beer, and finally showed a triumphant smile, making a V-shape with her fingers, "I'm full."

"I think you are drunk."

It's almost fatal!
Luo Yunfan frowned and looked at her helplessly.

You can't stop a person who wants to get drunk.

If she doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back, just drink it, otherwise it will be uncomfortable, it's better to let it out quickly, physical illness is much better than mental illness!
Three rounds of wine.

A group of people from the food stall came and a group left.

Qin Yise drank too much, smirked and danced there, talking nonsense out of order!

(End of this chapter)

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