you are the love of my life

Chapter 649 Won't Do Stupid Things Anymore

Chapter 649 Won't Do Stupid Things Anymore
Rong Jinbei glanced at him impatiently, took the medicine without saying a word, and stuffed it into his mouth, Qin Yise quickly handed over the water glass in his hand again, Rong Jinbei took two sips along her hand, Then swallow the medicine in one gulp.


His movements are done in one go, domineering and bossy.

Ling Tuo stood beside him with his head down, unable to see the expression on his face clearly.

Rong Jinbei pressed his painful forehead, frowning, trying his best to endure the discomfort.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with her, Qin Yise's attitude was lukewarm, as if he had changed himself, and he didn't remember the promise made last night at all.

She put down the glass and turned to leave, but the man's indifferent voice sounded from behind, "Stop! Am I letting you go?"

Hearing Rong Jinbei's domineering tone, Qin Yise didn't turn around, but said without turning her head, "You just finished the operation and need to rest, so I won't bother you. I'll come to see President Rong some other day."

"What is your attitude!"

Rong Jinbei glanced at her coldly, then looked at Ling Tuo again, "What are you waiting for, tie her up to me."

"Master, this..." Ling Tuo was in a dilemma, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"Why, even you are disobeying my words?"

Rong Jinbei's personality became capricious, and his black eyes were also dark and terrifying.

"My subordinates dare not, but please rest assured, young master, Miss Qin will not run away!"

Ling Tuo replied nonchalantly.

After the young master's operation, his temperament seemed to become even more indifferent.

The temperament changed drastically before, and it was the last time he was shot in the head.

He has changed from a hot-blooded boy to an iceberg, and he is decisive in dealing with people. They only think that he has become more mature and stable after experiencing setbacks.

But now it seems that it has something to do with the surgery on his head.

Rong Jinbei's gaze became colder and colder, and anger surged in his eyes.

Suddenly, he lifted the quilt abruptly, stepped on slippers, and strode toward Qin Yise.

"Master, pay attention to the wound!" Seeing this, Ling Tuo hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, "Dr. Meier specially told you not to get excited now, let alone do strenuous exercise. Please don't be self-willed, or you will have sequelae! "

"Don't use his tricks to control me."

Rong Jinbei roared coldly, two or three buttons of the hospital gown on his chest were undone, and his eyes were full of uncertainty.

No one is qualified to control him.

No one!

Rong Jinbei waved his hand, as if anyone who dared to obstruct him would be shot to death.

Ling Tuo knew that every time the young master's temperament changed drastically, no one would be able to stop him, and often the first person who came into contact with him would be very miserable.

Regardless of the danger, he grabbed Rong Jinbei's arm, "Master, this is Miss Qin, don't you always care about her the most, she told me just now, in fact, she has already started to like you in her heart, but she dare not admit it Forget it, now you just finished the operation, what's the matter, can we talk about it after you get out of the hospital?"

"No, get out!"

He impatiently shook off Lingtuo's octopus-like hand.

Qin Yise's eyes turned cold, and she growled expressionlessly, "Ling Tuo, please shut up, you don't need to talk about my affairs!"

Both of them yelled at him in disgust.

Rong Jinbei's black eyes were so cold that he was about to freeze to death. He locked the woman in front of him firmly, and said word by word: "I used to be so fucking blind that I would pour my heart out to a woman. In exchange for her ignorance, from now on, I, Rong Jinbei, will never do such stupid things again!"

(End of this chapter)

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