you are the love of my life

Chapter 659 Don't scare yourself

Chapter 659 Don't scare yourself

After hearing these words, Qin Yise leaned against the wall weakly, trembling all over, her feet were frozen there, and she almost didn't have the strength to support herself.

Soon, a stretcher bed was rolled out in the next ward, and a small body was covered with a white cloth.

Those family members even broke down and cried, threatening to fight the hospital desperately, otherwise they would not give up!
"My child, poor child..." A group of family members of the patient cried around the child's body, unable to accept this fact.

Qin Yise closed her eyes, unable to bear to look.

After all, she is also a first-time mother, so she can understand the feeling of losing a child so well!
And her daughter is also tormented by illness, and her life will be in danger at any time. Even if it is a race against time, an extra minute is a luxury for her!
She never thought of giving up.

"Oh, it's really pitiful. A malignant tumor was detected at a young age, and it was already hopeless when it was delivered. Moreover, the operation cost was a lot of money. It was a waste of more than 20 yuan. As a result, the child couldn't bear it and died directly in the hospital. It's on the operating table, alas, the death notices have all been issued, so it's useless to continue making trouble like this."

There are several nurses talking in a low voice.

The entire corridor was filled with the heartrending wailing of the family members.

Qin Yise staggered forward while leaning on the wall, got off the elevator, and left the inpatient department.

As the elevator descended, she felt dizzy and her eyes darkened.

His body was so weak that he didn't have the strength to stand up, so he could only lean on the elevator wall and slowly squat on the ground, breathing slowly and laboriously.

One second, five seconds, ten seconds!
Finally, she felt better, her head was not so dizzy, the elevator stopped on the first floor, but Qin Yise's feet were numb, her mind was uncontrollably thinking about the scene of the child's death just now, and her heart was throbbing again. pain.

Her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and she slowly stood up while supporting the elevator wall weakly, and walked out slowly.

"Yiser, why do you look so pale? What's wrong with you?"

Luo Yunfan just came from the hotel. He has a temporary office here, holding a document in his hand, which seems to be a medical record, and several assistant doctors behind him.

"I'm a little dizzy, just take a rest."

"You guys go up first, I'll come later." Luo Yunfan turned his head and let the assistant doctors go first. This job is their permanent job, so it's not good to be late.

"Where is the discomfort? Are you too tired recently?"

He turned his eyes back again, landed on the woman in front of him, grabbed her hand, took her pulse, and then tried the temperature of her forehead with the back of his hand, "The pulse is stable, but a little weak, the temperature is just right, no The fever is not cold, the dizziness may be anemia, and the postpartum care is not good, I will go to the internal medicine department to prescribe some medicine for you to recuperate."

"Don't bother me, I'm fine." Qin Yise grabbed his arm and shook her head, her eyes were still wet: "I saw a two-year-old child die of cancer just now, and my heart was touched too much." Big, that's why I'm dizzy."

She closed her eyes and tried her best not to recall. She could see all kinds of tragedies every day in the hospital. She just thought of her daughter, and she felt a little sad.

"Don't be afraid, with me, everything will be fine."

He saw her worry and fear, and comforted her softly!
"Little Xingxing has been pulled back from hell several times since she was born less than a month ago. I'm afraid that she will leave me at any time..."

(End of this chapter)

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