you are the love of my life

Chapter 665 The deeper the love, the deeper the hurt, because all the weaknesses were given to him

Chapter 665 The deeper the love, the deeper the hurt, because all the weaknesses were given to him
"But young master... just now the master called and asked you to go to the hospital and make a clean break with Miss Qin. Even if you don't like Miss Gu, you still want to marry Miss Biejia in the future."

Ling Tuo tremblingly conveyed the meaning of Mr. Rong.

Now seeing the young master develop as he hoped, I wonder if he is happy?

My son, oh, no, it should be said that he is a pawn, and finally he no longer disobeys him, and is even indifferent, no different from a robot. Is this the situation the master wants to see?

He can do such things as brainwashing his own son, but I really don't know what else he can't do!
"I'm not free right now, let's talk about it later."

"But today is the day for your review."

"Ling Tuo, when did you become such a mother-in-law?" Rong Jinbei turned the black executive chair, facing outwards, looking at him coldly.

Ling Tuo paused when he heard the words, then quickly lowered his head, admitted his mistake, and said, "This subordinate dare not."

"Hmph, what else are you afraid of?" Rong Jinbei looked at him with a sullen face, and smiled coldly, "Now you are obedient to the old man's words, and you can go to him, and you don't have to stay with me in the future. Here it is!"

"Master, I know I'm wrong, please punish me." Ling Tuo replied boldly with his whole body tensed!

The corners of Rong Jinbei's mouth curled slightly, but the bottom of his eyes was still indifferent, and he added casually, "Let's go, I finally got a little interested, and you messed everything up."

"Huh?" Ling Tuo and the two bodyguards were slightly stunned.

The man stood up, picked up the suit on the back of the chair, and walked out while putting it on, "Don't you want to go to the hospital? Why are you standing there stupidly!"

His back was the first to go out, the thin and cool back, with a strange aura, made people respectful and far away.

When Qin Yise woke up, it was just time for lunch, and she was thinking about ordering takeaway, so it's better to go out.

Luo Yunfan called, "I'm at the restaurant opposite the hospital, let's have a meal together, the dishes are all ordered, come straight here."

"I..." Qin Yise was about to refuse.

Luo Yunfan opened his mouth without any doubt, and interrupted her: "I just need to discuss with you about the operation, come here, and talk while eating."

Qin Yise couldn't evade any more, so she nodded, "Okay, wait for me for a few minutes, and I'll be here right away."

"Don't worry, cross the road and be careful."


His gentleness always makes her seem ignorant...

Just when she got off the elevator, she met the person she least wanted to see right now.

Rong Jinbei's facial features were stern, followed by bodyguards and assistants, with familiar facial features and familiar voice, but his words were like ten thousand arrows piercing through the heart, making Qin Yise's blood flow from his body.

"Where are you going in such a hurry? A tryst with a wild man, or can't wait to find a stepdad for the child? Do you think my hair is not green enough?"

He looked at her pretty fair face, his eyes were dark, his thin lips were slightly curved, with a sarcastic arc.

Qin Yise raised her eyes, met his eyes, and said with a slight smile, "This is my business, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Mr. Rong, right? What are you doing here?"

An expression of displeasure immediately appeared on the man's face, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and then he let out a sneer, "It has nothing to do with me?"

He paused for a few seconds, and after a while, the smile on his face dissipated, then slowly walked over, pinched her chin with his slender fingers, stared at her condescendingly for a while, and said coolly: "Why, Do you want to break up with me that much?"

(End of this chapter)

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