you are the love of my life

Chapter 673 The Last Farewell

Chapter 673 The Last Farewell
"Everyone has their own way to go. I just chose a generous way. Don't Mr. Rong think he should congratulate me?" Qin Yise pursed her lips lightly.

With her big black and white eyes and an innocent expression, the shameless words came out of her mouth, which made people speechless to refute.


Rong Jinbei stared at her red lips, and finally landed on the righteous little face, the corners of his eyes twitched a few times.

He smiled lightly, with unclear meaning: "You mean... you want me to congratulate you for successfully falling into the arms of another man?"

Qin Yise brushed her hair by her ears, and looked at him with all sorts of charms: "Since Mr. Rong expects me to find my home soon, then I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Ha ha.

Look at what this said, she wanted to find a man herself, so how could it be that he wanted her to find him?

Rong Jinbei curled his lips with a half-smile, "Did you forget that I said that no other man wants to be my daughter's stepfather!"

"Could it be that I want to guard you like jade for the rest of my life? Are you worthy?"

Qin Yise said this sentence with a smile, but there was no questioning attitude in the words, but full of disdain.

Rong Jinbei's eyes fell on her red lips, not knowing whether she was trying to cover up or was deliberately taking revenge on him.

If she is a woman, she will care about the 180-degree change in her man's attitude before and after!
"Of course I don't have the honor to let you guard your body for the rest of your life." President Rong Da sneered, full of mockery, "But just that little white-faced doctor is qualified to be compared with me?"

Is it enough, she knows.

But Qin Yise was thinking silently in her heart, but there was a smile on her face without saying a word.

She just came to say goodbye, not specifically to quarrel with him. Seeing the man trying to suppress his anger, Qin Yise pretended to be nonchalant and straightened her skirt, and said lightly, "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

She doesn't want to stay here any longer.

don't think for a second...

Rong Jinbei looked at her seriously, taking a panoramic view of the subtle expression changes on her face. He didn't say anything at the time, but when Qin Yise lifted his foot to leave and was approaching the door, his voice was calm and breezy. It sounded disgustingly, "Love is not enough to rely on feelings alone. A man can't get the happiness you think just by looking at the surface. How long have you and that little boy known each other? Do you understand each other? If he has bad habits, Violent tendencies, or X-incompetence?"

Qin Yise's back was straightened, she turned around stiffly, and gave Rong Jinbei a cold look, "I'm not as boring as you. I care about these things all day long, and my mind is full of pornographic thoughts, so you won't pretend to be anything else." of?"

Qin Yise asked straightforwardly, hitting the nail on the head.

Rong Jinbei hooked his lips indifferently, "Women and money, and men struggle, isn't it for these?"

"Rong Shao's thinking is unmatched by anyone. Just because you think it's meaningless doesn't mean others think the same way." Qin Yise looked directly at him and said word by word.

"You're beating around the bush and scolding me, aren't you?"

"I'm just telling the truth, you really don't understand women very well." Qin Yise still smiled slightly.

She didn't understand, she just said goodbye in the way of a friend, why did she get into a fight with this man again.

Before the operation, he was fine, even if he had a temper, he would never be so stubborn!

Is there really such a powerful brainwashing technique?

Can it completely change a person's heart and brain thinking?

(End of this chapter)

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