you are the love of my life

Chapter 681 Do You Need Medicine?

Chapter 681 Do You Need Medicine?

"You...are you thinking too much, are you in a trance?" Qin Yise frowned slightly, her pink lips opened and closed, like the snow lotus on the Tianshan Mountain, the fresh breath made him very comfortable.

"Woman, you are so brave, who allows you to be so presumptuous?" He roared with duplicity.

Qin Yise felt that she was about to be squeezed into a meatloaf by him. She raised her chin and met his eyes, making him even more restless.

Rong Jinbei's eyes were deep, and he looked at her quietly. This state is really not very good...

"Master Rong, do you know how interesting your appearance is now, you go out and wave, you know, why should you wrong your golden body?"

"If you dare to speak nonsense again, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!" Rong Jinbei was stung by her words, and suddenly stretched out his hand, pinching her jaw: "You still think you can escape now?!"


If it wasn't for his body not recovering, how could he be so content with himself?

Oh, those other women, he has no interest.

But now he can be sure that there is nothing wrong with him!
Be it the head or the body.

It's just that I haven't met the person who can affect my mood.

But Qin Yise is different, no matter what she becomes, her influence on him is still so strong.

If reason hadn't prevailed, he wouldn't have known how he would react.

Qin Yise stretched her neck forward, and sprayed her fragrant breath on his nose.

"Woman, if you dare to move around again, believe it or not, I will handcuff you right now, so that you can only be a pet!" He slapped her hand away in pain, his eyes were red.

"Anyway, I'm already in your hands. It doesn't matter whether you steam or boil me..." Qin Yise put on a resigned expression.

Rong Jinbei let go of her hand and shook her away. Qin Yise coughed violently, and the skin on her wrist immediately became red and swollen, with faint bruises appearing.

"Are you so rude to other women?" Qin Yise asked angrily.

"I have no other woman!"

The familiar words made Qin Yise slightly taken aback.

Rong Jinbei glanced at her indifferently, "There's so much nonsense, weren't you straightforward just now? You're in a hurry to finish this order, and you have to rush to the plane to take the next order?"

His harsh tone was as casual and contemptuous as if he was mocking an irrelevant person.

Qin Yise looked at her with interest: "Rong Shao still understands me so well, otherwise why would you be so attached to me, you can't forget it even if you want to!"

"It seems that you will not cry when you see the coffin. If you are still so eloquent later on, that will be your real ability."

When the words fell to the ground, the world was spinning for a while, and when they went up the spiral staircase, the man kicked open the door roughly, and Rong Jinbei threw her down directly.

Qin Yise was bounced up by the soft mattress, and the high-quality tie immediately tied her hands and tied them tightly to the head of the bed.

knock --

There was a knock on the door.

"Master, it's me."

The butler said respectfully outside.

"Get out!" Rong Jinbei spat out a word coldly with thin lips.

"Miss Gu is here. She's waiting outside. Do you want to let her in?" The housekeeper hesitated for a moment and asked desperately.

The butler said respectfully outside.

"What are you going to do, let her wait!"

This kind of woman is really troublesome. If you don't want her, you will keep coming up to her and stalking her.

(End of this chapter)

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