you are the love of my life

Chapter 683 The real card is here, do I have to step aside?

Chapter 683 The real card is here, do I have to step aside?

"Hmph, there is a price to be paid for being brave!"

The man's possessiveness hit her hard.

"There is a price to be paid for being stubborn, doesn't Master Rong know?" Qin Yise looked at him amusedly.

Without warning, the door was opened with a key from the outside——

The posture of the man on top of the woman made the people outside the door stunned. The key was still inserted in the keyhole, and her little face became pale and bloodless.

"Brother Jin Bei, you, you..."

Gu Xiyuan bit her lips tightly, staggered a few steps, and held on to the door frame, barely standing on her feet.

Rong Jinbei's complexion was uglier than his palette, his handsome face was full of blood, and his whole body was filled with anger that was about to explode!

"Who let you in? Get out!" The majestic roar made both women startled.

Qin Yise pulled off the quilt and wrapped herself tightly.

Rong Jinbei turned over from the bed, walked wildly to the door, looked at the butler and a group of servants following far outside, and cursed sullenly: "What's the use of me raising you bunch of trash?"

"The young master is happy and angry. Miss Gu is entrusted by the master to come here specially to check on your condition."

The servant Nuonuo replied.

This sentence made Young Master Rong even more angry, "It's really considerate to run around three times a day without lying down! If you don't know, you think she is the hostess here."

"Master... The master said that there is only one young mistress in the future, and that is Miss Gu."

Rong Jinbei narrowed his eyes and smiled, his stormy face was full of gloom: "Since he said it, then let him marry him back!"


Gu Xiyuan tightly grasped the door frame, such direct words were no different from the past.

His attitude was still bad, but he didn't treat Qin Yise much better, so one must have the spirit of not admitting defeat in order to win the final victory.

She looked into the bedroom without a trace. The spacious bed was a little messy, but there was no such disgusting smell, and nothing should have happened. If it was the past, Rong Jinbei would let the woman he got and not eat meat?
Gu Xiyuan fixed her gaze on the bed, staring fiercely at the back of Qin Yise's head, thinking of her child who died tragically——

But she always has so many people around her, even supporting her.

"Jin Bei, why are you messing with this woman again, aren't you..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by the indifference of the man in front of her: "When will it be your turn to intervene in my affairs? Who the hell are you?"

"I'm also your fiancee, how can you talk to me in this tone?"

"Talking to you means I think highly of you. Ms. Gu really thinks of herself as an onion. Without you, how could there be so much shit?" Rong Jinbei said with a sneer.

Qin Yise glanced at the direction of the door, and the more she looked, the more she felt that the two of them were a perfect match...

"Miss Qin, lying on someone's fiancé's bed, don't you think it's very face-saving? Or do you feel vain and puffed up and don't want to get out of bed?" Gu Xiyuan gritted her teeth and challenged Qin Yise first.

It's really easy to change the world, and it's hard to change the nature. The pissing nature of the bitch can't be changed forever!

Qin Yise smiled coquettishly, and didn't care that her hands were tied, and said with a melancholy face: "Your fiancé and I even had a child, you real card, are you going to settle accounts with me now? I'm afraid It may not be clear!"

Rong Jinbei was caught in the middle, like a wolf waiting for an opportunity, with deep eyes, silent, waiting for an opportunity to move.

(End of this chapter)

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