you are the love of my life

Chapter 687 Pretending All Day, Are You Tired?

Chapter 687 Pretending All Day, Are You Tired?
"Hehe, my lochia is not clean yet, as long as you don't find it dirty, I don't mind working for you." Qin Yise said playfully, deliberately disgusting him.

Sure enough, Rong Jinbei's expression became gloomy, as if he had swallowed a fly, feeling sick to his stomach.

"Rong Shao, why do you have such an expression, it looks disgusting!"

Rong Jinbei supported her body with both hands, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing, "Woman, you are courting death!"

He didn't know whether he was angry or couldn't bear it, his whole body was shaking.

"I don't want to die, can you just let me go?" Qin Yise sneered, not afraid at all when he saw that he was going to eat people.


"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence, Master Rong, then I'll get out."

Qin Yise raised her head, with an unruly and frivolous look on her face.

Rong Jinbei couldn't bear it anymore, and finally used the same movement to throw her out.

It's just that when you start, it's a little lighter.

Qin Yise patted her little heart, and turned her head to look at the stairs. Fortunately, this man was a bit human and didn't throw her directly downstairs, otherwise, she would have broken bones even if she didn't die!

"Miss Qin, what did you do to make the young master so angry?" the housekeeper raised her up solemnly and asked.

"..." Qin Yise remained silent.

"If you still want to see the child, you'd better follow the young master's wishes!"

Qin Yise smiled coyly when she heard the words, "Understood, I'll just make a joke with him, who knew he couldn't bear to make trouble so much."

Of course she knows current affairs, is a hero, and accepts as soon as she sees it.

Isn't it a fool to touch an egg against a rock at this time?
Two days later, on the weekend, Qin Yise stood in front of the French window, staring at the scenery outside in a daze.

When she turned her head, a ghostly man appeared behind her at some point.

He opened his arms and took her into his arms, declaring his sovereignty domineeringly.

"Why did you think of pampering me today?"

It's not been two months yet, and he believed her nonsense.

In fact, she had taken care of him long ago, but she didn't want to serve him.

Playing with him by the way, I didn't expect it to be quite enjoyable!
"So you've been waiting for my luck?" Rong Jinbei looked down at her with a playful tone.

"Who said that? I'm just saying something casually. Are you really putting gold on your face?"

Qin Yise replied sarcastically.

"You women really like duplicity. Are you tired of having so many suspicions in your heart?" President Rong Da asked impatiently.

Li Qiyu turned around in his arms, put his arms around his neck, and said with a sweet smile: "Of course I'm not tired. You men like it, and we women are the only ones who like what we like. We try our best to please you. Things that are mutually beneficial, how can you be tired?" Woolen cloth……"

Rong Jinbei pulled her hand away, his eyes were full of hostility: "You know more and more?"

Damn it, thinking that she was molested|taught by another man to look like this... all the jealousy in his body turned over.

The corners of Qin Yise's mouth twitched: "As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the cultivation depends on the individual. I know a lot, which means I have good talent!"

"The talent in this aspect is really good, otherwise, how could he become the top card in the nightclub!" Rong Jin Beiji sarcastically.

"Thanks for the compliment..." Qin Yise blinked innocently.

"Woman, it's not a good thing to be too thick-skinned, don't push yourself too hard!" Rong Jinbei gritted his teeth.

"I've always been like this, have you forgotten?"

She has a bad temper, and she is not a lady, Qin Yise said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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