Chapter 690

"Qin Yise, try saying another word!"

A sharp blade flashed across Rong Jinbei's eyes, like a flying knife cutting towards her.

"I'm too lazy to tell you, good dogs don't get in the way." Qin Yise ignored his cannibalistic eyes.

Anyway, whatever he loves, whatever, she is already numb.

"Very well, from now on, you can draw the ground as a prison, don't even think about taking half a step, this is what will happen to you for disobeying me!"

He was indifferent and alienated, Qin Yise dismissed him with a sarcastic sneer on his lips.

"Okay, I don't care what you want to do!"

Just let it go.

"Are you really not afraid?" Rong Jinbei raised his eyebrows in surprise, and looked down at her, "I could pamper you to heaven, but I can still throw you into the mud from now on!"

"As long as you are happy." She smiled, never so calm.

Keep pretending, why haven't you been so courageous before?
Dare to say anything.

President Rongda's eyes darkened slightly: "You make me happy, everything is easy to talk about, but if you piss me off, you can't afford the consequences! You better learn to be smart."

"Really?" Qin Yise still raised her eyebrows calmly, looking at him calmly, "I won't coax you, I can still see the sun tomorrow!"

"Woman, your mouth is so annoying!" he roared in fear.

"Didn't you say at the beginning that you just like my kind of mouth? How can you become so quick with a glib tongue? Men really don't have a good thing!"

"I am your man, and I have the obligation to teach you well."

What is not, can she speak?

"Okay, okay, what is your love, what is it, I want to see my daughter, and I still need to dress so formally? There is something wrong with your head."

"Change clothes! You don't even have basic education, how can you educate your children well?"

Rong Jinbei grabbed her wrist and went upstairs.

"Let go." With an impatient look on her face, Qin Yise threw away his arm, but found that it was like iron clamps, biting her tightly and refusing to let go.

"Rong Jinbei, how do you want me to change clothes when you pinch me like this? Either go and see your daughter, or don't let go if you have the guts to do it yourself!"


"If I count to three, it will be regarded as your acquiescence to the latter?"

Qin Yise looked at him provocatively, raised her chin slightly, narrowed her eyes and asked.

The man's handsome face was tense, full of anger.

Qin Yise sneered: "You are the one who made me into what I am today, and you are the one who dragged me out of the fire pit. Now you are stalking me and want to imprison me for the rest of your life. Do you have a split personality?"

"You just know?"


Qin Yise was speechless, how could this man go crazy when she let go of everything and was ready to love bravely?
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Rong Jin Beiqi didn't fight alone, he always hated others ignoring him!
"Open your eyes and look at me!" The man's voice was low.

Qin Yise raised her beautiful eyes, met his eyes, and Rong Jinbei frowned unconsciously.

He stared at the woman in front of him with displeasure, stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, then pinched her ear, not gentle at all.

"Why do you provoke me and deliberately oppose me? Do you think that if you make me angry, you can get my attention?" He asked with a sullen face.

"Well, sort of..." Qin Yise replied perfunctorily.

"Then I'm afraid you will be disappointed!"

Rong Jinbei said, and suddenly pushed her upstairs.

Qin Yise frowned, "Hey, what are you doing!"

(End of this chapter)

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