Chapter 695
Especially his thin skin and tender flesh, he wandered around the hospital in a white coat all day long, no matter how you look at it, he looks like a little boy.

"Master, are you okay!"

Holding a handkerchief, the housekeeper stepped forward tremblingly, seeing the color on his face, very worried.

Rong Jinbei hummed casually, and the butler carefully wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but was stopped by the young master, "Where is young mistress?"

"Uh...Miss Gu?"

The butler was confused when asked.

Rong Jinbei winked at him, and said with a sullen face, "Young Mistress has only one position from the beginning to the end. What kind of shit is Miss Gu?"

"Uh...Miss Qin...Young mistress is at home."

Luo Yunfan let go of Rong Jinbei's collar, and when he heard that, he snorted coldly, "It's a bit too grandiose for you to do this!"

Rong Jinbei looked directly at him, and patted the folds on his collar casually: "Doctor Luo cares so much about my women and children, it's really touching."

"Let's not get me wrong, I don't care about you. I should care for Yi Se and the child in such insignificant ways."

"Oh, I think they have ulterior motives!"

It was the first time for the housekeeper to see the young master talking so much nonsense with others, confronting each other head-on.

It's such a powerful character, it can actually make the young master feel a sense of crisis, but I don't know whether it's joy or worry.

What if jealousy and jealousy make him rekindle his old feelings for Qin Yise.

"Mr. Rong, what exactly are you trying to say? Stop beating around the bush!"


When Rong Jinbei heard this, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth. He thought that this man would understand.

Luo Yunfan looked at his mocking expression, pursed his thin lips, and said seriously: "I know you businessmen like to treat others in the same way, Mr. Rong, don't do anything too much." Absolutely, leave yourself a way out, otherwise, when necessary, I will use legal weapons to discredit you!"

"Oh? You're in my territory, talking about the law with me?" Rong Jinbei laughed out loud, looking at him like he was looking at an alien, "Aren't you awake?"

"When you receive the lawyer's letter, you'll know who the sleepy person is!" Luo Yunfan replied coldly.

Rong Jinbei smiled unhurriedly: "Doctor Luo, what tricks do you have, even if you come out, I will accompany you at any time. By the way, if you have any dissatisfaction, please save it and talk to my lawyer..."

The man's eyes are as dark as ink, and his mind is as vast as the sea.

He carried the baby cradle, walked past him, and walked out of the mother and baby store.

The mighty bodyguards, servants, and housekeepers hurriedly followed.
In the evening, Qin Yise saw the child.

The nanny followed closely, and Qin Yise said impatiently, "Can you stop getting so close to me and move away!"

"The young master told me not to stay one meter away from you."

The nanny didn't dare to neglect at all.

Qin Yise was agitated for a while, and the flames ignited in her chest again. She shouted angrily: "You only listen to him, so you don't listen to me? I feel sick from head to toe smelling your body smell." If you dare to get so close again, I will tell the butler to fire you!"

"Miss Qin doesn't want it. I only have this job. The whole family depends on it. I just step back a few meters." The nanny's attitude is no longer as tough as before.

Qin Yise's face softened slightly, "It's not too bad."

She wandered around to get acquainted with the number of security guards. As expected, the guards were stricter than ever before.

(End of this chapter)

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