you are the love of my life

Chapter 713 Who's Lying

Chapter 713 Who's Lying
Qin Yise was frightened by his expression, she didn't know that he would be so jealous.

"Rong Jinbei, let me go, just take it by force, are you planning to kill innocent people indiscriminately now?" She withdrew her hand forcefully, with a bit of impatience in her voice, "If you still have a little humanity If you don't, just stop, don't make me hate you!"

He has never been like this before, but now he only sees jealousy, suspicion, and selfish domineering.

"Hate me? Anyway, you want to live with me for the rest of your life, so just hate it." Rong Jinbei laughed at himself, "It seems that you are in love with him because of the life and death of such a nervous little boy?"

"… .."

Qin Yise remained silent, she didn't want to answer such boring questions.

Even if the answer is spoken, it is meaningless to him, let alone cause any harm.

Even though she knew him first and Luo Yunfan later, Luo Yunfan picked up her life, and this will never change.

Even if the relationship is deep and the relationship is shallow, you can't be a lover, but you can still be a friend.

She doesn't want to be scolded for being ungrateful by poking her spine, treating her savior like this!
"Are you dumb? You said you were hit by me? I warn you, stop daydreaming, and no one can covet what I can't get, including you."

Rong Jinbei stared into her eyes and said word by word.

The strength in his hand was slightly loosened, and Qin Yise took the opportunity to break free from the restraint, stepped back a few steps, and said:

"I'm not your item, let alone a bargaining chip for you to compete for. Whoever wins or loses has nothing to do with me.

Rong Jinbei, even if you kill and set fire in front of me, I won't feel sorry for you!

But if you underestimate the IQ of others, it is tantamount to an insult to yourself.

Are you sure Dr. Luo has no ability to fight back and can only let you be slaughtered obediently?
Don't even think about it, why did he appear here, and at such a fast speed?
Even with the ability to foretell, it's impossible to get there first in such a short period of time!
I have seen and admired his ability, but he is low-key and used to hiding his true strength. Do you think everyone is as superficial as you? "

When Qin Yise said this, she paused for a moment, then raised her lips sarcastically, and added: "Oh, sorry, I forgot, your brain has been a little troubled recently, how can you compare it with before!"

"How dare you laugh at me?"

Rong Jinbei asked back with a sullen expression on his face.

"I will never fall in love with anyone again in this life, so you forced me to come to get the certificate. I didn't resist, but can you stop being so unreasonable?"

Qin Yise felt that she had spoken clearly enough to him, so she took a deep look at him, said no more, and finally turned around indifferently, walking towards Luo Yunfan.

"Does it matter? Let's go to the hospital."

"It doesn't matter, you go to register with him. Since you are here, you must not go back with regrets. I also said that, as long as you regret it and don't want to marry him, I will take you away immediately!"

He looked at her quietly, with a bit of desolation in his voice, which made Qin Yise feel uncomfortable. Although his expression was as usual, this kind of unspeakable sadness really made people feel sad.

"… .."

She was silent for a long time, unable to speak.

"Don't be burdened. I just went back to Europe. I happened to pass by here. I saw news reports that you came to Las Vegas to register your marriage, so I wanted to congratulate you. I didn't expect this to happen. I'm really sorry !"

(End of this chapter)

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