you are the love of my life

Chapter 715 Diverting Your Eyes

Chapter 715 Diverting Your Eyes
He opened his mouth casually, and continued: "Is that right, Mr. Rong? I believe that in your current situation, there is no way to take care of Yise. As for her happiness in the second half of her life, there is no need to talk about it. I will take good care of her for you in the next few days." , you can recuperate with peace of mind, recuperate your health and then talk about registration!"

After Luo Yunfan finished speaking, no matter how ugly Rong Jinbei's expression was, he walked away with Qin Yise.

She kept accusing him, and now he deserved what he deserved, even if it hurt to death, Qin Yise couldn't bear to care about him.

Rong Jinbei watched the couple walk away, and his head hurt even more!
The butler immediately brought another bottle of water from the car, but still without saying a word, he opened the medicine box silently, took out a few more medicines and handed them to Rong Jinbei.

"Master, if you are really in pain, why don't you take medicine first to relieve it, and we'll go to the hospital right away."

Rong Jinbei glanced impatiently, poured all the pills of different shapes into his mouth, took the mineral water bottle and swallowed them all in one gulp.

Seeing him like this, the butler became more and more worried.

The doctor just now was young, but he was well-known internationally.

Even the little lady's illness was cured by him. How difficult is it to know the operation that even Meier is not sure about?

But he did.

What he just said makes sense.

Rong Jinbei was very troubled by the headache, waved his hand, and got into the car impatiently.

Next to the black luxury car, a black figure passed by. The butler closed the door for Rong Jinbei, glanced out of the corner of his eye, and immediately gave the man a warning look, signaling him to leave first.

The man lowered the brim of his hat, and his mixed-race oriental face turned his steps silently, preparing to retreat. After Rong Jinbei drank the medicine, the pain eased a lot. The car window was half down, and his indifferent voice sounded in the night wind: "Stop!"

Everyone thinks he is an idiot, is it right to play like a monkey like this?
Hearing Rong Jinbei's voice, the man stopped and his whole body froze immediately.

"Turn your head around and take off your hat!"

Before the car started, Rong Jinbei frowned tightly, and ordered out the window sharply.

He rested his elbows on the car window, pressed his fingertips on his head carelessly, and when he looked at the face coldly in his eyes, he felt a little familiar: "What are you doing, say!"

"Master, leave this person to me. I'll reply to you after the cross-examination is over. It's important to go to the hospital for treatment. I'll leave it to me here, okay?" The butler looked concerned about his body.

"Shut up, I didn't ask you anything, let him answer by himself!"

Rong Jinbei glared at him displeased, since the moment he stepped on the plane, nothing was under his control.

Every step seems to be watched by someone, there must be an insider.

Then he looked at the bodyguard again, "Tell me yourself, who sent you here?"

"It's the master. He is worried about your safety, so let us secretly protect the young master."

"How did he know that I was abroad?"

He had clearly ordered that his whereabouts be kept secret, so why did even domestic media reporters know that he came to the United States to register for marriage.

Rong Jinbei's black eyes were like X-rays, scanning everyone's body, gloomy and terrifying.

"Master, the doctor just now paid for the most expensive mercenary group in the United States. From his appearance, he seems to have come prepared and is ready to kill you!"

The bodyguard changed the subject and said.

He cleverly pointed the finger at Luo Yunfan, and understated his intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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