you are the love of my life

Chapter 717 If your heart has no direction, will you still wait in place?

Chapter 717 If your heart has no direction, will you still wait in place?
Qin Yise stood at the entrance of the hospital, staring blankly at the traffic passing by on the road. She forced herself to calm down, but her thoughts became even more chaotic.

On a strange night, in a strange city, Qin Yise's eyelashes trembled slightly, a kind of fear rushed into her heart, making her shudder.

No, he'll be fine.

Qin Yise rushed to the side of the road and waved to stop the taxi. This action was almost subconscious, without any thought.

After she got in the car, she remembered to tell Luo Yunfan about her whereabouts.

Holding the phone, Qin Yise clenched her teeth, and quickly edited a text message to Luo Yunfan: "Yunfan, I'm in a hurry, so I'm leaving first. You rest in the hospital, and I'll be back soon."

Looking at the lines on the screen, Luo Yunfan was silent for a few seconds, curled his lips, and laughed at himself: "Rong Jinbei, you won, a bit of trickery will soften her heart, and you will always be able to pinch her weakness !"

The nurse came over with medicine for bruises, and was about to give her medicine, but Luo Yunfan pushed it away, picked up his coat, and left without looking back, walking out of the hospital.

"Hey, sir, your medicine."
Sitting in the taxi, Qin Yise contacted Rong Jinbei's subordinates, while looking out the window, searching for the familiar license plate number.

The mobile phone was displayed on the phone. Qin Yise glanced casually and found a black car parked beside the fountain in the distance. A tall and familiar figure was sitting on the front of the car with his head bowed, and he didn't know how to lose his coat. Where is it? The thin figure blends into the night, making people feel distressed even at a glance.

From a long distance away, that figure was Rong Jinbei and who else it was.


Qin Yise hurriedly shouted to the driver, took out a stack of pink banknotes from her wallet, and hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I didn't have time to exchange the US dollars, don't need to look for them, just treat them as tips!"

The driver shrugged helplessly, forget it, he doesn't know as much as a little girl like her.

Qin Yise said thank you several times, got out of the car in a hurry, and ran straight towards the figure.

Doesn't he have a headache?

How about dying, dare to drag the car, and sit here blowing the cold wind again.

What if another accident happens?
He also kept saying that he would be responsible for his daughter, be a good father with due diligence, and give her a life like a princess. Did he just keep his promise like this?

Qin Yise was burning with anger, but she didn't know why, when she saw the silent figure in the cold wind, motionless, like a statue, the resentment in her heart disappeared in an instant. Pity left.


This big idiot.
Don't die, there's no need to be so self-abuse!

Qin Yise walked over step by step, and came behind Rong Jinbei. He seemed to have a telepathy, and turned his head slightly. The eyes of the two just collided in the night, and there seemed to be intense sparks.

No one made a sound, breaking the silent silence.

On the plane, the hearts of the two were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. When they confronted Luo Yunfan just now, the distance between the two became farther and farther, running in opposite directions.

At this moment, both of them regained their composure. Rong Jinbei still kept his posture. He was only wearing a shirt, which was blown up by the wind and rattled.

"Are you crazy, you dare to drive a car alone when you have a headache!"

Qin Yise took two steps forward, opened the car door, and found his coat, mobile phone, and scarf on the co-pilot.

(End of this chapter)

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