Magic Phoenix

Chapter 602 The Venerable is the Holy Venerable

Chapter 602 The Venerable is the Holy Venerable

Just when everyone was shocked, the second elder of Zhentianmen squinted at Su Mei, and opened his mouth strangely.

"Elder Yun, didn't you say that this kid can help everyone break the formation, then let everyone experience it and see what great cards he has." The man said sinisterly.

Hearing these words, everyone immediately recovered from the shock, and immediately looked at the two of them with eyes full of curiosity.

That's right, to make Elder Yun value him so much, I don't know what kind of ability this young man has.Everyone has been curious all afternoon, and now they have finally waited for the moment of unveiling.

There was something wrong with this man's expression, he looked at the girl with both mockery and secret hatred, could there have been conflicts between the two?
When Qing Wu and Nangong Yi heard these words, doubts appeared in their eyes.

Facing this person's malicious insinuation, Yun Yang gave him a sideways glance, but didn't answer.

"Boy, it's time to make a move." Looking up at Su Mei, he said with a smile.

Su Mei nodded upon hearing this.He didn't pay attention to that person at all, and didn't even bother to give him a look.

Seeing this, the man's eyes couldn't help but dim again.

When everyone saw her nodding, their eyes widened, even Zhuge Changqing was no exception.

Under the curious gazes of everyone, a silver light pierced through the air, and then the red-scaled holy lion appeared.

As soon as the huge figure appeared, the beasts inside and outside the valley became restless.At the same time, the beasts in the air couldn't bear the coercion and fell down one after another.

Seeing this situation, everyone was startled at first, then their eyes widened in horror as if they had seen a ghost.

"A holy beast of the eighth rank! Oh my god, it's a holy beast of the eighth rank!" A strong man shouted in horror when he recognized the huge monster in the sky.

The eighth-order holy beast——

Hearing these words, everyone was so horrified that they even forgot to breathe, their eyes widened and they stared at the sky in horror.

The audience was dead silent, and even the animals did not dare to make a sound.

It was an eighth-order holy beast!

No matter how everyone guesses, they will never think of this.

Seeing this, the second elder of Zhentianmen's pupils dilated several times in shock.

What a terrifying status a person who can possess an eighth-level holy beast must be extremely noble!

Looking at the entire Eastern Continent, even the ancestors of the sects and aristocratic families could not do this, and this young man was able to surpass all the supreme powerhouses!
Lord of the Temple!
This person must be the Venerable of the Temple!
He shouldn't be the Holy Lord of the temple, right? !
As we all know, the Holy Lord of the temple is extremely young, not even 30 years old.

Apart from the Holy Lord of the temple, who else can contract to the eighth-level holy beast? !
Turning their heads mechanically, everyone's expressions were no longer as simple as panic.

"Is the venerable the venerable?" A god-level powerhouse trembled and asked respectfully.

Holy One——

Hearing these two words, everyone couldn't help but open their mouths, and were so shocked that they didn't know what to do.

When the second elder of Zhentianmen heard this, his whole body trembled in fright.

Dead!God, he was dead!
Thinking of what he did today, the man's body softened and he almost fell to his knees.

In the crowd, several figures' eyes lit up when they heard this sentence.

Holy One?

When Yun Yang and the others heard this, they all showed a hint of astonishment.

I didn't expect that someone would treat this girl as the Holy Lord of the temple!But it's no wonder to them, who told this girl to turn out to be a young man in her 20s.

And the eighth-rank holy beast is not something that can be captured by any rank, let alone a contract.

Seeing that someone mistook her for Gu Junlan, Su Mei couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"No." She glanced sideways at the man, and replied flatly.

(End of this chapter)

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