Magic Phoenix

Chapter 838 Don't Be Proud

Chapter 838 Don't Be Proud
Hearing these words, Jin Jiahu choked suddenly.

Glaring at the other party fiercely, it was both angry and depressed.

Damn, why didn't it say this before the challenge!

It's really shameless to say such a thing after exhausting its power.It seems that today it can't get rid of the situation of fighting this human being.

The Golden Armored Tiger is naturally unwilling to be contracted by humans, but right now it is indeed at a disadvantage and can only rely on its mental strength.The odds of winning are unpredictable, but it is not willing to blow itself up in order to maintain its own dignity.It took so much effort to cultivate to the ninth level, if it just fell like this, it would be really unwilling.

"You really don't know how to make a move?" His eyes flickered slightly, and he asked in a deep voice.

Hearing the words, Jiaolong raised its chin again.

"Naturally! Since I promise, I will do what I say." It replied proudly.

Hearing this sentence, Jin Jiahu immediately felt relieved.

That being the case, it worked out.This human has already contracted the Silver Flood Dragon, and there should not be much mental power left. It is not so easy to contract it again.Although it is exhausted, its mental strength is still there. It would be great if it could directly attack the opponent in the contract.

"Human, don't be complacent. I'm not a silver dragon, and I'm definitely not something you can easily contract." Looking down at the human below, the golden armored tiger said coldly.

Its words are both a reminder and a provocation.If the other party knows that he is invincible, it is natural to leave. If she insists on wanting to make a contract with herself, then it is no wonder.

Su Mei stood aside, hearing the confrontation between the two beasts, she kept silent.Now hearing the provocation from the golden armored tiger, he curled his lips slightly.How could she not see the mind of this beast.

"That's right. You can't even beat Yinchen. What kind of ninth-order super beast are you? I'm so weak that I don't even have the desire to make a contract." The girl raised her eyebrows slightly, and the girl glanced at the giant beast sideways. He replied lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the two beasts showed different expressions.

The corners of Yinchen's lips rose, obviously very happy.In this way, this human being must value it very much, so he would try to trick it into making a contract.Compared with this golden armored tiger, it is obviously much more valuable.

I didn't expect this human female to have some vision.Humph--

At the same time, when Jin Jiahu heard these words, his face suddenly sank.

It was despised by a human being!

To be questioned and ridiculed by a human being so dignified as a ninth-level super divine beast, this is even more humiliating to it than a direct contract.

It wanted to open its mouth to refute, but it couldn't speak, because it was indeed defeated by Yin Jiao.

Having lived for thousands of years, the golden armored tiger has never felt so depressed and humiliated.

"Er—Er either make a contract, or get out!" Breathing heavily, holding back for a long time, it could only growl through gnashing of teeth.

Facing its roar, Su Mei was not angry.

"Get out, how can I do it! No matter how bad you are, you are still a super beast." With slightly raised eyebrows, the girl said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, she raised her hand to stroke her chin, and looked thoughtfully at the giant beast in front of her.The girl's eyes swept over the giant beast one by one, especially the scales on its body, and the position of Yuan Dan covered by the scales.

Hearing these words and seeing her gaze again, Jin Jiahu's heart suddenly jumped wildly.

She is coveting its scale armor and Yuan Dan!She wants to kill herself!
The whole body of the ninth-order super divine beast is a treasure, no matter which part is taken outside, it is an extremely rare and precious existence.This human being is playing tricks on its fleshly body.

Realizing this, Jin Jiahu's heart trembled, and he was startled and panicked.

No, it can't do what this human being wants!

(End of this chapter)

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