Magic Phoenix

Chapter 855 Finally Marked

Chapter 855 Finally Marked

"It turned out to be an illusion device!"

The phantom is a legendary existence, I didn't expect my master to even have this.It is the power of primordial spirit, and it is an illusion weapon. What is the identity of its owner? !

It's a good thing it didn't insist on fighting her just now, otherwise it wouldn't be surprising if it didn't get hurt after using this kind of thing.Thinking of this, Huohuang sighed inwardly.

Just when it fell into incomparable shock, a mass of white light suddenly appeared in front of it.Just about to squint and take a closer look, I saw that the white light had already turned into a figure.


It's Yuntian.

Seeing that Yuntian had turned into a human form, Su Mei couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Yuntian, can you transform into a human form?" Su Mei asked in surprise, staring fixedly at the opposite figure.

Yun Tian turned into a young man, with black hair and black eyes, wearing a white robe, and a handsome face, he looked no different from ordinary people.

If he appeared in front of other human beings like this, unless he was the most powerful person above the Holy One, he would really not be able to feel the difference in him.

"Master, Yuntian can transform into any appearance." Yuntian replied immediately after hearing the words.

It is a growth-type illusion device, with the ability to transform, it can naturally transform into a human appearance.


Su Mei really didn't know about this.There is no way, Yuntian Qiling has been in a deep sleep before, and there is no introduction about it in the books in the bamboo building, it is normal for her not to know.

"I don't know what other abilities you have, so you can tell me now." With slightly raised eyebrows, Su Mei asked curiously.

"Master, Yuntian is a growth-type magic weapon, and its ability will continue to evolve with the improvement of the master's strength." Yuntian explained calmly.

Is it a growth phantom——

It's no wonder that every time she is promoted, the area of ​​this space and the concentration of energy will increase.Su Mei narrowed her eyes when she heard this.


Just as she fell into deep thought, a strong fluctuation suddenly erupted somewhere in the space.

Not only Su Mei and Yuntian, but also the Huohuang beside them have noticed this fluctuation.

Su Mei's thoughts were interrupted by this wave of fluctuations, and she immediately felt it with concentration. When she found that the wave of waves was actually caused by two beasts, she couldn't help frowning.

"Go and see."

As soon as the divine mind moved, three figures immediately appeared at the place where the incident happened.

Beside a certain mountain in the space, a dark demon dragon with three heads was fighting with a silver dragon.Around the mountains, more than a dozen animal shadows were scattered everywhere, staring at this scene nervously and excitedly.

Mo Kui and Yin Chen——

Seeing that it was them who were fighting, Su Mei couldn't help squinting her eyes.

"Master, do you want to stop them?" Seeing the beasts making trouble, Yun Tian immediately asked.

The owner has handed over the management of the beasts to it, so it naturally has the right and obligation to govern them.

"Wait first." Su Mei raised her eyebrows and replied.

She didn't move, but watched the competition below with interest.

At the feet of the three, Mokui and Yinchen were fighting fiercely.

Both are dragons, one black and one silver, and they are both extremely huge.The black magic dragon is of the eighth rank, and the silver dragon is of the ninth rank. The difference between the two is one level, but because the magic dragon is of the dark system, the power it holds can restrain other attributes, so it is actually comparable to the dragon.

Between the mountains, the dark magic power collided with the berserk gold system, causing waves of terrifying fluctuations.

"Fortunately, those places are isolated."

Seeing the fluctuations below, Su Mei couldn't help giving her thumbs up for her foresight.

(End of this chapter)

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