Magic Phoenix

Chapter 869 Grandpa and Uncle

Chapter 869 Grandpa and Uncle

"You are - Yao Guang's child!"

When everyone looked at the young man in surprise, Shenyue Yuchen was the first to speak.He looked at the young man with eyes full of excitement, and his tone was full of surprise and joy.

Facing the man's excitement, Su Mei's eyes flickered slightly, and she nodded.

He is really Yaoguang's child!

Hearing this sentence, everyone was shocked again, and their eyes lit up again.

Unexpectedly, this kid is the child of Yao Guang and Lord Shenglei!Everyone looked at each other with surprise on their faces, as if they had forgotten one important thing - from the news brought back by the Second Elder and the Fourth Young Master, Yao Guang's child should be a girl.

It turned out that when they heard the news of her return, the Shenyue family immediately sent people to the Holy Thunder Realm, wanting to see her with their own eyes, and the ones they sent were the extremely distinguished second elder and the elder brother of Goddess Yaoguang.It's just that they didn't expect that the other party would fall into the abyss of thunder just after returning.

Hearing that she will participate in the college competition in March, the group returned to the land of the Shenyue Clan.

"Okay! Just come back!" Shenyue Yuchen looked at her in a daze, and said excitedly and complicatedly.While speaking, there was even a hint of moisture in his eyes.He thought of Shenyue Yaoguang.

"Little Meier, I am your third uncle—Shenyue Yuchen, and this is your grandfather—the patriarch of our Shenyue Clan!" Shenyue Yuchen was not immersed in grief, and immediately introduced to her.

Over the past 20 years, they have endured too much grief, and they finally accepted this fact when they heard the news of her return and Yao Guang's fall more than two months ago.


Hearing his introduction, Su Mei couldn't help being stunned.

She had already guessed the identity of Shenyue Yuchen, but she never expected that this middle-aged handsome uncle would be her own grandfather.After all, her mother never mentioned it, and she didn't know about it.

"Su Mei met Grandpa and Third Uncle!" Clasping her fists together, Su Mei bowed to the two of them immediately.

Although she is crazy, she still has the courtesy she deserves.Both of them are her elders, and they are still blood relatives, and they have no entanglement, so she should naturally salute.

Seeing her reaction, both father and son showed a touch of excitement on their faces.

"Okay! Very good!" Shenyue Luotian said twice in a row.

At this moment, he couldn't care less about thinking about other things, he immediately stood up and walked towards the girl below.

Seeing this, the others immediately stood up as well.

Striding up to the girl, he looked at her with complicated eyes.

"Girl, you have worked hard all these years." Raising his hand to caress the other's shoulder, he said with pity.

He had already heard that Yao Guang had fallen into the Three Thousand Small World back then, and had fallen shortly after giving birth to her.Losing her mother at such a young age, with her father and clan members not around, she must have suffered a lot.

Hearing these words, Shenyue Yuchen also showed a touch of pity on his face.When the others heard the words, they all showed emotion.After only a moment, they suddenly realized something.


By the way, Fourth Young Master seems to have said that Yao Guang's child is a girl.But why didn't they sense at all that the kid in front of them would be a girl.

Did the fourth son make a mistake?
You know, they are all superpowers at the level of the Holy Lord, how could they not be able to sense a person's gender.This kid doesn't look like a girl anymore!
"It's okay, my adoptive father treats me well."

Hearing her grandpa's loving words, and meeting his complicated eyes, Su Mei was not used to such a scene.

(End of this chapter)

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