Magic Phoenix

Chapter 877 The Power Of The Galaxy

Chapter 877 The Power Of The Galaxy
"What was contained in the Moon Soul God Stone just now was the power of the galaxy?" She raised her eyes to look at the other party, and asked directly.

She actually sensed it!
Hearing this sentence, Shenyue Luotian couldn't help being startled.

"Girl, how did you guess that it was the power of the galaxy?" He asked in surprise without answering her question immediately.

"That power is very special, comparable to non-yuan power. Grandpa, where does the power of the galaxy come from?" Su Mei briefly explained, and then asked again.

Hearing her words, Shenyue Luotian immediately took a deep look at her.

It seems that the power of this girl's consciousness is not simple.

"The moon soul stone contains the power of the galaxy. The power of the galaxy came from the ancestors. The purpose is to test the purity of the blood of the clansmen. The ancestors left a total of two moon soul stones. People can cultivate the power of the galaxy, and these two moon soul stones have become the most important sacred objects of the Shenyue clan." Shenyue Luotian explained in a rather complicated way.


After hearing these words, Su Mei, who was full of thoughts, suddenly twitched the corners of her lips a few times.

The most important sacred object of the Shenyue Clan was broken by her——

Fortunately, there is still one member in the clan, otherwise, wouldn't her crime be great.

But it's no wonder she, who knew that the stone was broken so easily.

In fact, Su Mei and everyone else didn't know that the Moon Soul Stone was not shattered because of Tianling's blood, even if it was Tianling's blood, it was impossible to shatter it.What shattered it was the double impact of her other bloodline and primordial power.

Su Mei has two bloodlines, one from the maternal line and the other from the paternal line.And these two bloodlines are the most powerful bloodlines in the territory of Jiuzhongshen.Especially the paternal line, which is already extremely powerful, and with the purification of the primordial power, it becomes even more terrifying.

Under the impact of the two bloodlines, several forces were intertwined, which resulted in the subsequent results.It's just that this kind of thing has never happened before, so no one thought of it.

Su Mei didn't know much about the bloodline, and she didn't even think about it.

"Girl, by now you should know how important Tianling's bloodline is." Shenyue Luotian added after explaining.

Su Mei was taken aback when she heard this.

If so, the bloodline of the Heavenly Spirit is indeed very important, no wonder the ancestors of the Shenyue clan issued such an order.

Galaxy God Art——

It has to be said that Su Mei became very interested in this exercise.

Although there are many exercises in the space, and there are many rare existences, none of them has such power.

If she practiced this exercise, her combat effectiveness would be greatly improved.For her now, any method that can improve her combat effectiveness is very important.

"Grandpa, can I practice the Galaxy Art?" Su Mei asked, looking up at the other party.

Hearing these words, Shenyue Luotian was not surprised.

He knew that she would definitely be interested in this exercise.This girl seemed to be reckless and unruly, but her eyes were so deep and unpredictable that even he couldn't see anything.How could she be so simple, and how could she miss such an opportunity.

"Naturally! You are the young master of the Shenyue clan, so of course you can practice. However, the Galaxy God Art is in the clan. If you want to practice it, you have to go back to the clan. Now that the college competition is approaching, it is too late to return to Shenyue. The big competition is over, and it's not too late to come back." Shenyue Luotian replied.


Hearing this answer, although Su Mei was a little disappointed, she still nodded.

Hopefully she can last until then.

(End of this chapter)

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