Magic Phoenix

Chapter 887

Chapter 887
Snapping the lid on, the man handed it back.

"This thing is more effective for you, put it away." He said lightly, not intending to accept it, and didn't even ask how she got it.

Such a thing, I am afraid that even the Holy Thunder Temple will not have it.Although the man was quite surprised, he didn't ask any further questions, only thinking that she was really an accident.It was her chance to get such a treasure, so naturally he would not bother.

Seeing his reaction, Su Mei couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Since the gift has been sent, there is no reason to take it back. Don't worry, I didn't give you all of it, so don't be polite to me." She pursed her lips and replied.

Hearing this sentence, the man was startled again.After a while, he took a deep look at her and withdrew his hand.

"it is good."

The man was moved by her last words.Seeing her saying that he didn't need to be polite to her, his depression of being rejected suddenly dissipated a lot.

Only those who are extremely close can be polite to each other, right?

With a slight smile on his lips, he picked up another box.Opening the lid of the box, three fairy flowers that Su Mei had raised alone appeared in the jade box.

"Fairy Flower—"

Seeing these three flowers, the man's eyes flickered slightly.

There is no doubt that these three flowers are also cultivated by the power of primordial energy.Places like the Yunguang Temple naturally do not have Shenyuan Fruits and Immortal Spirit Flowers, but they are not cultivated by the power of primordial power, so the effect is greatly reduced.

"I hope it can help you cultivate your soul." Su Mei said calmly.

The man's soul suppressed the demon soul in the World Extinguishing Demon Cauldron, so it consumed a lot.Su Mei took out the Shenyuan fruit and the fairy flower, hoping to help him cultivate his soul.

These three fairy flowers were individually selected by her and carefully cultivated.Ever since she knew the secret of his soul, she had this idea.

She has already felt the power of magic power deeply.Fortunately, the remnant soul of the demon ancestor had already merged with her divine soul, so she didn't encounter much obstacles when sealing it.

But this man is different, his divine soul and demonic soul are completely repelled, if he wants to seal it, he can only suppress it by force.And to do this, what a powerful force is needed.

You know, what he sealed was the soul of a whole plane, and its power was not weaker than the remnant soul of the demon ancestor in her sea of ​​consciousness.It has been forcibly suppressed for ten thousand years, and the damage and consumption to him can be imagined.

After knowing this, Su Mei's heart was quite complicated.For the first time in her life, she felt pity for a person.

In fact, there are certain risks for her to take out these things.She knew that there should be no shortage of Shenyuan fruits and fairy flowers in places like the temple, but there are definitely not many that are cultivated by the power of primordial energy.

She took out so many treasures at one time, if it was someone else, they would definitely ask about the source of these things, and even develop a greedy heart, wanting to get more.

She dared to do this, partly out of trust in the man, partly out of temptation, to let him know the existence of primordial power in advance, and she still has a certain relationship with her.In this way, if one day the secret is revealed, he will not be too surprised.

The man didn't know what she was thinking, but when he heard these words, his chest couldn't help trembling slightly.

Is she worried about herself!
"it is good!"

Covering the lid of the box with a wave of his hand, the man said in a deep voice.

He fixedly looked at the girl, and the girl looked back at him.The two looked at each other, and at this moment, there was a certain change in the hearts of both of them.

"Sister Meier, are you ready?"

Just when the two looked at each other, Shenyue Tianyu's voice came from outside the door again.

(End of this chapter)

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