Magic Phoenix

Chapter 892

Chapter 892
"Everyone go back to the team and see if there are any people around." In the silence, a mentor suddenly ordered loudly.

Since we don't know exactly what happened, it's better to check whether the colleges have lost any students.

When everyone heard the words, they all reacted.

In mid-air, the defenders who were busy setting up the formation were surprised and suspicious when they detected the scene inside and outside the Moyuan.They clearly didn't sense any external destroyers, but why did the Yuan power in Moyuan suddenly become unbalanced to such an extent.Not only that, but their formation was not able to stabilize at all.

Just as the four of them were solemn, two figures suddenly broke through the space and appeared outside Lei Yuan.

These two people are none other than Su Lang and Lei Zhan.

It turned out that Su Lang had returned to the God Realm, and when he learned that Su Mei had signed up for the college competition, he came to pick her up in person.

Just as they stepped out of the void, the two sensed something was wrong below.

Something happened to Lei Yuan!
Seeing the densely packed figures on the ground and the violent fluctuations coming from the big formation, Su Lang frowned slightly, and flew down first.Seeing this, Lei Zhan immediately followed.

"What's going on?" Su Lang asked in a deep voice after flying to the back of the four defenders.

Hearing this voice, the four of them turned their heads quickly. When they saw who was coming, their expressions changed, and they immediately bowed and saluted.

"See God Lord!"

Everyone below noticed this scene, and they all showed surprise.

"It's the Lord of the Holy Thunder God! The Lord of the Holy Thunder God is here!"

The Divine Lord came here in person, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief under the surprise.

"Get up. Tell me, what happened." In mid-air, Su Lang said in a deep voice after rubbing his forehead towards the four of them.

"Reporting to God Lord, the energy in Lei Yuan suddenly became unbalanced, and the element of thunder increased dozens of times. After careful investigation, I still haven't found the reason." Someone immediately reported.

There is such a thing!
Hearing this news, Su Lang frowned again.

Raising his eyes to look forward, he immediately launched a spiritual investigation.

Just as he started to investigate, Lei Zhan on the side had lowered his eyes and looked down.After carefully scanning the area below, he suddenly frowned.

"What about the young master?"

He didn't even see the young master's figure!Not only that, she didn't even sense her breath, what's going on!

Little Lord?

Hearing these words for the first time, the four people on the side were all stunned.

Because it happened so suddenly, they didn't even think about it.

"Honorable Lei Zhan, we were busy stabilizing the formation just now, and we haven't had time to pay attention to the bottom. Isn't the young master below?" Some defenders asked nervously.

When Lei Zhan heard this, his complexion suddenly sank.

He unfolded his consciousness and expanded the area to search, but he still didn't sense her aura.

"Did the young master come out early?" He asked while searching.

"My lord, we have been guarding here all this time, but we haven't seen the young master come out." Someone immediately replied.

There is only one entrance and exit for Lei Yuan, and there are records for both entry and exit, not to mention the dazzling existence like the young master, who can ignore it.

Hearing this answer, Lei Zhan's eyes tightened, and he flew to the ground.

Seeing him coming down, all the mentors immediately surrounded him.

"Honorable Lei Zhan, what happened to Lei Yuan, how could there be such a vision?"

Everyone gathered around and asked curiously.

When Lei Zhan heard this, he didn't answer the question immediately, but raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Have all the people inside come out?" Looking up at the crowd, he asked in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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