Chapter 101 God Level Escape
"There is no need for Keiji Aso to lie. I think the authenticity of this will is very strong. And there is evidence to prove that this kind of shady drug trade is still going on today-the bottom of the piano in the community center, there is a hidden Opening the mouth is to hide drugs. About this matter, you can ask Hirata Kazuaki for details."

"He and his accomplices spread rumors about the 'cursed piano' on the island, and they didn't want others to get close to that piano. When we were on vigil in the piano room that night, the suspicious person who peeped in from the window should be him. He wanted to wait for an opportunity Retrieve the drugs hidden inside."

After hearing a series of reasoning, Officer Mu Mu was dumbfounded.

Before he came, he thought it was just a tricky murder case, but after he came, he found out that it turned into a serial murder case, and only now did he realize that it was actually involved in drug dealing!

Brother Maori, what kind of physique is this!

Mu Mu is not sure that these reasonings are correct, but it is always correct to ask the suspect first.

First of all, Hirata Kazuaki, who is suspected of being a drug dealer... Hey, why did this guy slump to the ground? It seems that he is really suspicious. Speaking of which, his psychological quality is too bad. After so many years, he has not been caught yet. caught?
Let the two police officers control Hirata and Akio, Megure turned to find another suspect, Asai Naomi.

He didn't quite believe that such a slender girl was actually a man, but this is easy to check, at worst, he would ask two policewomen to check...

Hey, where is Narumi Asai?

Scanning around, I found that everyone was like him, still immersed in the reasoning of "Moori Kogoro", but Asai Shimi had disappeared.

His eyes were startled. When "Moori Kogoro" pointed out that Asai Narumi was the murderer, he looked back at Asai Narumi. He was still there at that time. When did he run away?

Mu Mu casually clicked on the person closest to the door, "Fujiwara, what's the matter, where is Narumi Asai?"

"Ah? Isn't it right there..." Bai Shu raised his finger in a direction, Mu Mu turned his head and found that there was no one there.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Shu said in embarrassment, "It's gone, I remember she was standing there before, but I didn't pay much attention afterwards..."

"...", Mu Mu was desperate for himself and his subordinates. With so many people present, he didn't even keep a single suspect. He yelled anxiously, "Hurry up and find them!"

"Yes yes yes." Bai Shu took a command arrow and immediately turned around and ran out.

Mu Mu actually regretted it after yelling: Bai Shu was no longer his subordinate, and now he is an ordinary citizen, and he has no right to order him.

But seeing that Bai Shu not only didn't evade, but actually chased him out, he was immediately relieved, people who came from the police school have high ideological awareness!

The other police officers also came back to their senses one after another, and chased them out with their ugly faces.

They couldn't find anyone.

Narumi Asai's extreme escape was like a miracle in various senses. From the room, to the corridor, to the hall, none of the policemen scattered everywhere thought of stopping her.

Conan vaguely heard someone looking for someone in the corridor, was startled for a moment, then rushed downstairs quickly, grabbed Xiaolan and asked about the situation.

Hearing that the person ran away, Conan instantly...

Hey, it's not surprising at all, pig teammates, you really get used to it when you carry it around...

However, until the last moment, we must first find a way to remedy it.

Conan ran to Police Officer Meguro, "Police, I think if he didn't jump into the sea and escape, he probably went to the community center!"

Megure thought it made sense. After all, apart from the activity center, he really couldn't think of other places where Asai Narumi might go, so after saying hello, a group of people cheered and ran towards the community activity center.

There were still a few streets away from there, and the flames soaring into the sky were seen first, and there was no decent fire truck on this island, only a few people were carrying buckets, trying to put out the fire.

A police officer was wearing wet clothes, ran a few steps towards the activity center, covered his nose and mouth, and backed away. At this moment, his face was already reddened by the scorching air, "Police, you can't rush in. Judging by the size of the fire, the arsonists must have poured gasoline around the building beforehand!"

Noisy words and the crackling of flames came to her ears continuously, Xiaolan stood in the crowd, staring blankly at the flames in front of her.

She believed her father's reasoning, coupled with Asai Chengmi's sudden escape, his status as a prisoner was unshakable.Even if he burns himself in the fire at this moment, it is his own choice, and he does not need others to understand or pity him.'s still very uncomfortable.

Asai Narumi's gentle face kept flashing in front of his eyes. The calm and reliable person like the big sister was drawn into the friend's territory by Xiaolan in just a few days.

Now her friend is dying, but she has no position to save her.

Kogoro Moori didn't know where she was, and the person she wanted to rely on the most was not by her side. Xiaolan suddenly felt a little powerless. She wanted to run away, as far away from this sea of ​​flames as possible, but for some reason, she hugged her knees in the end and walked slowly. Crouched on the ground.


In the piano room, the fire was burning.

In the center of the flames, Asai Narumi sat quietly on the piano bench, resting his head on the piano keys, playing with one hand.

Originally, I just had nothing to do, just pressed a few times casually, but I don’t know when it started, the tunes gradually connected together, forming an incomplete "Moonlight".

Realizing this, Asai Mamori stopped moving abruptly.

He stared blankly at the hand, and after a while, he muttered helplessly, "Hands that have been stained with blood are indeed dirty."

The slender hand paused in the air for a moment, but still fell, and pressed the last syllable heavily.

Asai Chengshi closed his eyes, the confusion in his heart was gradually replaced by relief, Dad, everything is over...

"It's not over yet, you can't die!"

Suddenly a voice came from behind,
Asai Chengshi stood up in shock, followed the reputation, and saw a little boy standing at the door, looking at him calmly - it was the child who came to the island with the detective.

...Why did I come here? My lord didn't even look at it.

Conan ran panting, his face was blackened by smoke.

He stopped at the door, took out a sheet of music from his pocket and handed it to Asai Naomi, showing the warmest smile he could do, "Look, isn't it clearly written on the sheet music left by Mr. Aso?" , 'Chengshi, you have to live strong alone', the fire on the other side is not too big, let's leave now!'”

"..." Asai Chengshi looked at the sheet music with complicated emotions in his eyes. After a while, he smiled inexplicably, "If I had known that there was this confession, I might not have come to where I am today." .”

(End of this chapter)

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