Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 103 1-Key Weather Conversion Button

Chapter 103 One-key weather conversion button

But now... how do I get out of here?
It would be too shameful to run naked into the street, Bai Shu hesitated for a while, then raised his hand, a chubby little red bird appeared beside him.

Bai Shu discussed with the little fat bird, "Changing clothes for me to wear."

The door panel looked him up and down in disgust, "I only wear it for young ladies!"

"What beautiful things are you thinking of! You said it as if there is a young lady willing to wear you, so hurry up!" Bai Shu felt that this bird deserved a beating.

The more evolved the spirit tool is, the smarter it becomes. Although the basic position is absolutely consistent with the owner, it is always a bit unlovable.

——For example, now, the door panel tilted his head to look at him, and swallowed saliva secretly, "It's not impossible to change clothes, but next time the wandering soul..."

"Get lost! Don't think about my performance, it's better to let me run naked!"


After some violent coercion, the door panel finally compromised.

It took a long time to recall, before it barely turned into a fat and ugly clothes, like a sack.

Bai Shu struggled with this rag for a long time before he finally agreed to put it on. Then he went straight to the hotel, went into the suite they reserved through the window, found the suitcase in the living room, and rummaged through it.

I finally found a change of shirt, and when I was putting it on my head, the door was opened with a click, followed by a scream, "Thief!!"

"...Wait!!", the clothes were stuck on the head, at the very moment, Bai Shu instinctively rolled to the side, and at the same time quickly put on the clothes.

Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled bang, Bai Shu opened his eyes and saw Xiaolan kicking the suitcase out of the dent.

He rushed over to touch the box in distress, "You see clearly before you do it!"

Hearing the voice, Xiaolan finally recognized the person and stopped.

In the middle of the night, she had just entered the door and hadn't turned on the lights yet, but she only vaguely saw a figure rummaging through her luggage... This was really a subconscious reaction.

Xiaolan stuck out her tongue guiltily, "I'm sorry, but where did you go, Brother Zhishu? I haven't been able to find you."

"It's a long story... so I won't explain it now." Relying on the poor night vision ability of human beings, Bai Shu hurriedly put on his pants in the dark, and then walked over to turn on the light, "Has the fire gone out? ?”

"Not yet, the fire is too big..." This topic made Xiaolan feel depressed, "Just now Conan was thrown out of it suddenly, and then passed out, maybe he was choked by the smoke, and now he is still alive. At the hospital, I came back to get my wallet and a change of clothes."

...It seems that other people haven't found out that they have been in the fire scene. Very good, temporarily saving the trouble of explaining, Bai Shu washed his face, and went to the hospital with Xiaolan.

When I arrived at the place, I found that Conan had woken up, and all the ash on his body had been cleaned up. He looked a bit embarrassed, but his clothes were not damaged.Bai Shu looked him around, and sighed sadly, how could someone else's protagonist have such a strong halo.

Conan took the clothes from Xiaolan's hand, without changing, he grabbed Baishu and asked in a low voice, "Are you all right, where is Narumi Asai?"

"I'm fine except for my hair." Bai Shu stroked his dog-eating hairstyle and sighed, "What about Asai Chengmi... I don't know, it was too hot at the time, so I persuaded him a few words. Persuasion, let's go first. Anyway, he is a big man, I can't throw him out like I threw you. "

When Conan heard this, his eyes darkened slightly, looking a little melancholy.

However, he regained his energy soon: at least the two of them died together in the fire, which was already much better than he had expected.


The fire at the community activity center burned into the early morning.

The two-story building was burned down to ruins, and the next day, after the fire was finally extinguished, a group of policemen began to search for clues that might still be left. ,
The murder case has come to an end, but the drug deal has just surfaced. Police officer Mugure stayed to continue investigating the big case, but Mori Kogoro was not interested in staying any longer. He took a group of people and left on the earliest ferry.

On the deck, Xiaolan was leaning against the railing, her eyes fixed on the sea, as if looking forward to it.

Bai Shu passed by with a cup, glanced at her, "What are you looking for?"

"You said... would he jump into the sea and escape? I remember that the piano room is near the sea." Xiaolan rested her chin on her arm, and said with a glimmer of hope in her tone, "After all, before we leave, the police will No bones were found."

"...Who knows, it might have been burned directly." Bai Shu sipped on the coke, the cup had already bottomed out, but he was a little distracted and forgot to refill it.

Xiaolan sighed, "Brother Zhishu, you really can't speak."

The voice hadn't finished yet, let alone someone who couldn't speak appeared.

Suddenly a voice came from behind, "Even if you jump into the sea, you won't be able to escape to the outside. There is an undercurrent around this island. If you don't take a boat and only rely on human power, it's impossible to swim out."

"...", when Xiaolan turned her head, she saw Conan staring at the sea, analyzing seriously.

She rubbed Conan's head helplessly, "Conan, you are really... not at all as innocent as a child should be, and your words are as annoying as that guy."

Conan was stunned, and knew who "that guy" was in seconds. He broke out in sweat instantly, laughed awkwardly, and waved his hands repeatedly, "Haha, why not, I just heard the police say that in the morning, and I'm imitating them."

Xiaolan didn't pay too much attention to Conan's abnormality, she just said it casually, but when she heard this, she forced a smile, raised her hand and scratched his nose, "Okay, it's almost noon, let's go to the restaurant for dinner first."

The few people left quickly, calm was restored on the deck, the boat was getting farther and farther away from Moon Shadow Island, and the thrilling cases on the island, like that small island, gradually left their world.


In a blink of an eye, it was summer again. really "a blink of an eye".

Although the change of spring and summer is indeed very fast, but this kind of life where it was spring one day, and summer suddenly arrived at dawn the next day, still makes Bai Shu a little confused.

He was wearing a hoodie and went out for a haircut. He was sweating on the road, and was thinking of going home to take a shower, but when he arrived at the office, he found that someone was visiting again.

Standing at the door was a girl in a sailor suit. She had shoulder-length short hair and carried a schoolbag in both hands. She stood obediently at the door. She seemed to be very hesitant. She raised the hand that rang the doorbell several times, and then put it down again.

Bai Shu looked at her and felt troubled for her, "Why don't you go in?"

The girl was startled, looked back at him, and asked hesitantly, "Are you...?"

"I'm the assistant of this detective agency." Bai Shu took a few steps up the last few steps, raised his hand and pushed the door open, shouting inside, "Mr. Maoli, a guest has come."

(End of this chapter)

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