Chapter 109 The Strange Baron of Izu

The game was re-broadcast, and after the fatal multiple-choice question of "Do you want the brother or the ball?", Akagi Hero's state returned, and even because of his relaxed mood, he even performed a lot of extraordinary moves.

Waves of cheers rang out from the TV, and each sound was like cutting Naoki Uemura's heart, and then sprinkled salt and soy sauce mercilessly...

In the end, when Akagi Hero's team won 3-1, Naoki Uemura suddenly slammed the ground hard, "It's like this again! That guy Akagi is always so lucky!"

"What kind of luck, it's obviously strength." Bai Shu commented mercilessly, "Plus you gave him a buff of 'If you want to rise first, it's no wonder he can't win.'"

Uemura Naoki was still immersed in his own memories, ignored him, and muttered to himself, "In high school, our scoring rate was almost the same, but Akagi Hero no matter the degree of popularity or the signing bonus , are taller than me! Why!"

"Don't you have any idea about this question? It's like this in the world, just look at your face." Bai Shu interjected again.

Uemura Naoki finally couldn't continue to ignore him, and stared at him fiercely, then reorganized his words, and firmly carried out the memory to the end:
"After that, I redoubled my efforts and sweated far more than Hero Akagi, hoping to make up for those injustices with my strength, but just when I was about to pass him, in a practice, he kicked my right calf bone Broken!"

After listening to so much bitterness, Conan couldn't help but said, "This matter has been in the news, and your team has also released the video at that time. He did use too much force, but you were too distracted at the time... Also, how should I put it, although you are all good, but until you got injured, Akagi Hero was always better than you."

"...Can you two shut up!!" Uemura Naoki was almost annoyed by them.

Originally, there were still many things that he hadn't finished recalling, but he was always interrupted, and he was so angry that he forgot what he was talking about.

After thinking about it for a long time without remembering it, Uemura Naoki finally gave up and shouted, "Call the police! Anyway, I'm just a prisoner now! You don't need to make up for it!"

The word "call the police" finally touched the nerves of Quantum Akagi in the living room. She looked across the corridor and looked at Naoki Uemura from a distance, apparently hesitant.

Akagi Mamoru is fine, no matter whether Akagi Quantum reports to the police or not, this case will no longer cause any further deaths, and there is no need to stay on the sidelines.

Bai Shu didn't care about how their matter ended, and went out the door with a yawn. At the same time, he felt a little regretful. Was it because the previous case had too much income, and the case that happened immediately after it became useless? It's oily...


I bought some magazines and snacks on the way, and went home. Xiaolan and Conan didn't come back until the evening.

Xiaolan looked disappointed, and Conan seemed to have something on his mind. Mori Kogoro asked casually, only to realize that they waited for a long time at Akagi Quantum's house, but they didn't get a call from Kudo Shinichi, and then went to look for him elsewhere. Unfortunately, there is always nothing.

Missing this kind of emotion, once awakened, it is difficult to hold back for a short time. Xiaolan's sullen look lasted for several days, and finally, the doctor barely eased the situation with a phone call.

"Can I live in Izu Beach for three days and two nights for free?!"

Mori Kogoro looked eagerly at Conan who had just hung up the phone.

"Yes." Conan nodded.

He has no interest in traveling, and originally wanted to turn it down, but in the middle of the phone call, he suddenly saw Xiaolan sitting on the sofa and distracted. Conan hesitated for a while, but decided to ask first. He remembered that Xiaolan liked it very much. Tourist, "Are you going?"

"Of course! This is a good season to go to the beach!" Before Xiaolan could speak, Kogoro Maoli decisively made a decision. Lose!"

"..." Kogoro Mori's reaction was completely predictable, and Conan turned to look at the other two, focusing on Xiaolan, "What about you?"

"It's very interesting." Xiaolan smiled with her eyes bent, she really likes the seaside, "Then thank you doctor."

"That's right! If you don't go out for a trip in summer, it's no different from salted fish." Bai Shu followed blindly.How could he not go, no one would think that the performance is too much.

The itinerary was decided so quickly. Two days later, a group of people arrived at Izu Beach with their luggage.

The weather was just right, and there were a lot of people on the beach, densely packed along the coastline.

Not far from the beach, a nearly [-]-story tall building stands very eye-catchingly. It is very close to the sea, and even gives people the illusion that the sea will flood into the door when the tide rises. Standing so stable in the sand.

This building is the well-known Izu Princess Hotel.

"Wow, it's so high-end!" Xiaolan dragged her suitcase into the hall, her sandals clicked on the marble floor, her eyes sparkled, and she seemed to have finally forgotten Kudo Shinichi .

Kogoro Mori was seduced by a beautiful woman on the way to the hotel through the beach, Xiaolan could only drag Shirazu and ran to the front desk, and couldn't wait to say, "Brother Naoki, hurry up!"

Bai Shu didn't really want to register because he knew what was going on, but Kogoro Maoli ran away by chance, so he could only take the lead temporarily and said bravely, "Hi, check in, we have an appointment. The name is 'Agata'."

The front desk quickly verified it. After a while, he looked at the register and said, "Mr. Ali, you have already paid half of your accommodation fee, and you still need to pay 83500 yen."

"……",it is as expected.

But looking at the expressions of Xiaolan and Conan next to him, Bai Shu could only show a look of surprise, and he looked at Conan, "What's going on."

Conan snorted, "The doctor did say it's free."

"What did he say?"

"He said that if it's Xin...cough, if it's Uncle Maori, then it's free." At that time, Conan's mind was all about traveling to the beach and making Xiaolan happy... he didn't listen to the doctor's words very carefully. Hard to recall:

"This seems to be an event called 'Izu Mystery Journey'. The participants of the event are divided into six groups, and the accommodation fee is temporarily half price. It's free of seems like I can get a prize."

"Sounds quite interesting." Xiaolan was probably the only one who hadn't doubted Mori Kogoro's reasoning ability, "but dad is not here now..."

"You are the strange baron of the night." Suddenly, a voice came from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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