Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 114 Your lines are good, but unfortunately it will be mine in a second

Chapter 114 Your lines are good, but unfortunately it will be mine in the next second
Conan heaved a sigh of relief and immediately nodded in agreement after getting the matter of being pushed over.

The three quickly went down to the open-air restaurant, and when they went out, they saw around the knight sculpture, which had been separated by the isolation belt. Two policemen were setting up ladders, and carefully released the man who had been impaled on the sword.

But when the person came down, there was still a soul stuck on it, flailing about, trying to pull himself out, but failed.

Bai Shu looked at him anxiously, and then at the isolation zone, thinking that it would be impossible to recover it in a short time...he had to wait for the police to take their eyes off the statue.

Relying on his small size, Conan wanted to slip through the crowd and get to the corpse, but the police officer in charge of this area was obviously more reliable than Mumu, and he didn't let him sneak through under his nose.

"Kids, don't mess around." Henggou picked up Conan who was passing by him, and after scolding him, he turned his head to look at the crowd, "Hey! Where are the parents of this child?"

Bai Shu trotted over immediately, raised his hand and shook, "Officer Henggou, hello."

"Are you...?" Henggou was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Baishu carefully for a while, but he had no impression of him at all.But since this person can call out his own name, he should really know himself.

He thought about it for a long time, until he saw Xiaolan next to the white tree in a blink of an eye, Henggou suddenly realized, "It's you, Detective Maori is here too?"

"...", Bai Shu sighed faintly, the sense of existence is too weak, and occasionally it is not a good thing.For example, in this case, you can't brush your face.

Xiaolan, who successfully brushed her face, also recognized Henggou at this moment. This square face is really easy to remember, "Are you...Mr. Henggou from the Saitama Police Department?"

"Yes! It's me." When talking to Mengmei, Henggou's attitude was still very good. He scratched his head and patiently explained, "I have been transferred to the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Station since last month..."

Halfway through the conversation, there was a commotion behind him.

When Henggou turned his head, he saw that Conan sneaked to the corpse while he was not paying attention, and took off the mask on the corpse's face.

And the young man who greeted him just now slipped under the statue at some point, and was staring at the knight's sword ready to move, as if he wanted to touch it.

"Hey, you two!!" Henggou yelled, "Stay away from irrelevant people and don't destroy the crime scene!"

"Wait, wait." In order to prevent being forced to leave, Bai Shu quickly waved his hand, "We know the deceased, strictly speaking, we are not considered irrelevant."

The performance is close to him, but he can't reach it. While making excuses, Bai Shu cast aside that this body is too short, it would be better if it were [-] meters!He pretended to scratch his head to be able to lift the soul...

"Really?!" Hearing Bai Shu's words, Henggou was surprised and then surprised. The step of defining the identity of the deceased seemed so simple and unexpected.

Bai Shu nodded heavily. If he wanted to continue waiting at the scene of the crime, he had to prove his worth.

So he said all he knew, "We are all participants of the 'Izu Mystery Journey', this event... blah blah..., it is said that Jiang Yuan once... blah blah..."

While he was eloquently explaining the situation, Conan took the opportunity to conduct a preliminary inspection of the deceased, and then he found many flaws: Jiang Yuan was full of alcohol, only one glove was on, the tie was reversed, and the belt was reversed... …

There was something wrong with this man's death, and not a small one.

On the other hand, after listening to the "Mysterious Journey to Izu", Henggou speculated, "Could it be that the deceased is the host of this event, and when he wanted to perform a costume event, he stumbled and fell?"

In this case, this death may be a suicide...

But I can't be sure, after all, this way of death is too tragic, and there is too little information now, suicide and homicide are all possible, Henggou rubbed the back of his head, thinking that he can refer to the advice of professionals here, "Detective Maori and others are where?"

"This..." Bai Shu really didn't know where Maoli Kogorolang went, "His phone can't be reached, maybe he has gone back to his room to sleep?"

Henggou was a little disappointed, "It would be great if Detective Maoli was here. I want to hear his opinion. Although Jiang Yuan seems to have accidentally fallen from the building in the event you mentioned, but I always feel that something is wrong."

Police officer Henggou should be one of the few police officers with an online IQ in this small world.

Bai Shu stared eagerly at the statue of the knight and the soul hanging on it, and couldn't help speeding up the process of solving the case, "Actually, you can ask me, I have studied with Teacher Mao Li for so long, and I have already obtained his true biography! "

There was a sudden bang beside him, and Conan stumbled, as if he had received a great shock.

Henggou's eyes lit up, and hearing Bai Shu's tone, he seemed to know something, "What's your opinion?"

"I don't think this is suicide." Bai Shu walked to the corpse in a dignified manner.After Henggou followed, he pointed to the tie in Conan's hand, and then pointed to the tie that the corpse was wearing:
"The knot of his tie was tied backwards, and Conan happened to get an old tie from Mr. Jiang Yuan from the waiter. It can be seen that the ties he usually uses are tied in the normal way, and there is no intentional knotting."

"Indeed..." Henggou's expression gradually became serious, and his square face became serious, "Could it be that someone changed his clothes? Then the possibility of killing him is indeed very high!"

"Isn't it? It's for sure!" Bai Shu imitated him with a straight face, and pointed down again, "Look, his belt is also reversed, even if he is drunk, he can't wear the wrong clothes like this Many places."

Conan was holding Jiang Yuan's belt, and before he could say a single syllable, all his lines were snatched away.

He had no choice but to swallow the words back to his stomach, and looked at Bai Shu with the eyes of the dead fish, thinking that when Mori Kogoro was not around, this guy was really normal.

... So why did you always pretend to be stupid before?
Does Uncle Mao Li have some kind of miraculous aura of subduing wisdom?

With the reminder, Henggou also began to think hard along this line, "Deliberately dressed Jiang Yuan as the strange baron of the night, making us mistakenly think he is the organizer, indicating that the murderer is probably a member of the 'Mysterious Journey to Izu'." member!"

"You're right!" Bai Shu nodded vigorously at him.

Henggou suddenly became more confident. He asked his subordinates to gather the participants to inquire. At the same time, he returned to the hotel by himself, planning to go to Jiangyuan's room to check first.

While no one around was paying attention to him, Bai Shu touched under the statue of the knight, bent his legs and jumped, precisely grabbed the soul wearing the sword, and pulled him off.

(End of this chapter)

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