Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 13 After being spoiled, everything becomes boring

Chapter 13 After being spoiled, everything becomes dull
"Three days?" Conan also remembered the previous encounter.

His face changed, and his intuition told him that he was involved in a bizarre and interesting case again.

"Yes, that means until yesterday, he has not left our sight." Bai Shu said what Kogoro Mouri was thinking.

When Soul heard this, he couldn't help but poked him, "Hey, that confused detective thinks he's been with me for three days and forget it, you should know the truth."

Bai Shu glanced at him, but said nothing.

When Mori Kogoro ran to call the Megure police department, and when Conan and Xiaolan surrounded him, and no one paid attention to Bai Shu, he slowly said, "It's too troublesome, so it's hard to explain."

"If you're afraid of trouble, why didn't you save my life at that time... Sigh, it was even on the news." The drunken state before the soul disappeared, and it seemed a little bit unwilling.

"What good things are you thinking about?" Bai Shu pushed him away smoothly, "Just like the bank staff who are in charge of disposing of old banknotes, it is impossible to fish them out of the shredder just because the old banknotes are poor..."

Recalling the Heaven's Punishment he had seen countless years ago, Bai Shu took a sip of wine, and concluded a little timidly, "That's a crime, I still want to live a good life as a civil servant."


Early the next morning, Mori Kogoro took Bai Shu to the police station. After all, he could be said to be an important witness in this matter.

Not long after, in the inquiry room, Mori Kogoro's exclamation pierced the ceiling, "...[-] million yen?!"

"That's right." Megure also had a serious face, and explained to Kogoro Mori, "Masaki Negishi had taken out personal insurance worth 5 million yuan before his death, and the beneficiary of the insurance..."

He stared at the elegant man in a long suit and glasses on the other side of the table, and said the rest, "This is Mr. Abe Toyo!"

The impatient Kogoro Mori charged at the case, pointed at Abe and asked, "You are the one who entrusted me to follow him! Why are you also the beneficiary of the insurance? You are obviously just friends!"

"This..." Abe smiled and explained calmly, "It's just a game between us."

"Three months ago, when we were drinking together, he said to me, 'We are both 42 years old, we are both old, why don't we take a gamble, which one of us has the longest life?', I agreed to his proposal, Then they bought insurance for each other..."

"Nonsense! It was obviously suggested by him. I agreed to everything as soon as I drank, and I was embarrassed to break the contract after waking up, so he took advantage of the loophole!" The soul squatted on Bai Shu's shoulder and retorted angrily.

It's a pity that no one can hear this voice.

But it's not bad, Abe Feng can't run anyway.Bai Shu comforted and touched Soul's dog's head.

Abe Feng was completely unaware of his crisis.In his mind, his alibi proved perfect.

Megure obviously also felt that Abe was very suspicious, "Why did you ask Brother Maori to follow him?"

"Because when we were having dinner together recently, Masaki Negishi said, 'I'm being targeted, I'm afraid my life will die soon'..."

Mu Mu was shocked, "Life is not guaranteed?!"

"?! I didn't say that!", the soul jumped up.After seeing Abe Feng, he was obviously not as calm as when he just died. It seems that the wine has finally sobered up.

Mori Kogoro obviously didn't believe it either, but because there was no evidence, he couldn't let the police station detain Abe.

In the end, Yutaka Abe left unscathed, and Kogoro Mori was so angry that he led Shiraki out of the police station angrily.

"Ah, Dad! Brother Zhishu!" Outside the police station, Xiao Lan, who had been waiting for a long time, waved to them.

Kogoro Mori was still sulking, carrying a file bag, and walked home sullenly, while Bai Shu nodded to Xiaolan, Xiaolan followed with Conan, and they walked home together.

On the way, Kogoro Mori thought more and more wrong, "It's too suspicious! It must be that Yutaka Abe!"

"50 yuan! You can earn 50 yuan just by tracking him for three days! Looking back, no matter what, this salary is too high!" Occasionally, Kogoro Mouri's IQ is still online.

It's a little late online though.

"Then...why didn't you arrest him?" Xiaolan was puzzled.

"Because he has a sufficient alibi." Bai Shu explained, "And the witnesses for his alibi are me and Uncle Maori."

"Huh?" Xiaolan was surprised.

"That's right, the body was discovered on Thursday evening, and Naoki and I have been following him from Monday to Wednesday. That is to say, the culprit did it from Wednesday night to Thursday."

Xiaolan was very naive, "That Abe Feng, was it during this time..."

Bai Shu glanced at her, and sighed for Mori Kogoro, "Abe Yutaka has been traveling outside from Wednesday morning to Friday, and was with his employees. During this time, it is really impossible for him to commit crimes."

...Because it's already done.

But this can't be said, Bai Shu can't explain the source of the news.

Xiaolan was stunned by each of them, and it took a long time to find the blind spot, and asked her father, "If the alibi is sufficient, why do you still insist that it is him?"

"Of course it's because of my sixth sense unique to a detective!" Mouri Kogoro smiled confidently.

"Uh...", Xiaolan didn't know what to say for a moment.

Conan, who followed silently, also showed a thoughtful expression.

After returning to the detective agency, Shiraki went to make coffee, and Mori Kogoro found out the travel photos of Abe Yutaka without admitting defeat, and tried to find the flaws in them—he and Abe Yutaka's alibi came to an end.

Conan also peeked beside him.

Bai Shu took a sip of his coffee, turned out his small leather notebook, pretended to be studying, but was actually staring at the notebook in a daze.

Abe Feng used, in fact, a very simple trick:

Negishi Masaki usually wears: a peaked cap, sunglasses, and a beard.These collocations made it easy for him to be disguised.

Mori Kogoro just didn't realize that he was following two different "Negishi Masaki", which made this ordinary case seem confusing.

But in the eyes of Bai Shu who knew the truth, the case instantly became boring.

Fortunately, although Yutaka Abe did not ask Mori Kogoro to follow him before, as a detective, Mori Kogoro instinctively took a lot of photos during the follow-up.

(End of this chapter)

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