Chapter 132 Lifting the Coffin!

On the way of screaming, Ayajo Noriko's tears burst down, she covered her mouth, suppressed the rest of the screaming, pushed away the person in front of her, and ran towards Horikoshi Yumi.

But at this moment, Zhongdao and Zhi suddenly yelled, "Don't touch her!"

The person who has always been gentle and calm, suddenly spoke in such a tone, not only Noriko Ayajo, but others were also frightened by him, and they froze in place.

After Nakamichihe stopped Ayajo Noriko, he took a few steps forward with a solemn face, turned and looked at the door, "Except for me, who is a criminal policeman, and Mo Li, who has criminal investigation experience, no one is allowed to enter the room for half a day. step!"

Bai Shu stuck out half of his head from the door silently, his eyes hinting.

Nakamichi was restless and didn't see him, so he didn't add anything like "Maori's assistant can come in too", and just said "quickly go to the police" to the onlookers, and walked with Mori Kogoro into the room.

"...", under the watchful eyes of the audience, the two uncles squatted beside Horikoshi Yumi, and simply checked.

After lifting the fluffy curly hair, you can see a clear bullet hole in Yumi Horikoshi's forehead, and she holds a delicate pistol in her hand on the same side.

Nakamichi Kazushi stared at the bullet hole, then looked at her hand holding the gun, and frowned in pain, "...suicide?"

Omura Jun squatted at the door along the door frame, pulled his hair unconsciously, and said blankly, "But why did she commit suicide?"

Nakamichi Kazushi closed his eyes in pain, and sighed, "It's too early to draw conclusions, let's wait until the police arrive."

"The police won't be there in two hours." Bai Shu appeared at the door again. He shook his phone and looked sad. "Today's festival has caused serious traffic jams nearby. Two hours is just a conservative estimate."

"What?!", everyone's faces were ugly, the murder case was enough to make people panic, and now, the police couldn't arrive in time, which undoubtedly increased the pressure.

Mori Kogoro squatted next to Horikoshi Yumi for a while, and said, "Let's check it ourselves first, who brought the camera?"

Omura Jun raised his hand, "I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Bai Shu had already walked in with the camera in hand. He clapped the rather high-end equipment in his hand, with a serious face, "Is this okay?"

"Okay." Nakamichi Kazushi nodded, and said to Omura Jun, "Bring your camera, too."

Mori Kogoro took the camera from Bai Shu, and was about to start it, but after staring at the complicated operation interface for two seconds, he handed it back to Bai Shu as if nothing had happened, "Come and shoot, I may not be able to make it for a while." Let's go."

Shiraki also took it as if nothing had happened, aimed at Yumi Horikoshi, and started recording.

By moving while looking for an angle, he conveniently put away the soul paralyzed beside him with a gloomy expression on his face.

Nakamichi and Kazushi also stood by, taking pictures and recordings with Jun Omura's camera.

Horikoshi Yumi's toes had already started to stiffen, apparently she had been dead for a while, Mori Kogoro let go after pinching her, wanting to check the corpse spots on her body again.He and Nakamichi Kazushi took off the overly loose yukata, exposing Horikoshi Yumi's smooth body to the air.

The soul next to Bai Shu immediately gritted his teeth, ordinary people couldn't hear this movement, but Bai Shu's teeth were sore when he heard it, and he couldn't help but glance at her.

Horikoshi Yumi's soul seemed to be very sensitive to gazes, so she raised her head to look at him, and waved her hand angrily, "Can't you stop them? This is an insult!"

"...", no, this is really just an autopsy.

There was no instrument, and no serious forensic doctor. Mori Kogoro and Nakamichi Kazushi only took a rough look and took some photos, and this crude autopsy came to an end.

It was not an easy task to dress a dead person who had already started to stiffen, so Nakamichi Kazushi just pulled off the bed sheet and covered Horikoshi Yumi again.

Mori Kogoro got up and glanced at the old classmates at the door, "Judging from the stiffness of the body, Yumi has been dead for at least seven hours."

"Seven hours... That's three o'clock in the afternoon, when we play table tennis?" Yukio Ayajo counted, and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Yumi has been in a bad mood today. Could it be that she Can't think about it, committed suicide?"

"It's not suicide." Mori Kogoro retorted suddenly.

The serious expression only lasted for a moment, and he turned back into that unmotivated uncle. Mori Kogoro fiddled with his hair twice, and explained, "If you kill yourself with a pistol, the muzzle is very close to the head. After death, corresponding burn scars will be left around the bullet holes, but... on Yumi's forehead, there is no such mark."

Shiraki saved the shot just taken, then turned back a little bit, paused on the close-up of Horikoshi Yumi's head, and nodded cooperatively, "Really not."

"So the people in the hotel killed Aunt Yumi?" Conan heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that Mori Kogoro had finally managed to be witty once, and didn't regard this deliberately arranged murder as a suicide.

But at the same time, he was worried that the other party would be affected by his feelings and classify his old classmates as suspects, so he specifically mentioned "in the hotel"—everyone who came to the party was suspected.

Yukio Ayajo was actually the first person to receive Conan's signal. He looked at Conan, and then at Mori Kogoro who did not refute Conan, "Ah?" He said, "Don't you suspect that we killed Yumi?!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Nakamichi and Kazushi squeezed out a smile and waved his hands to ease the atmosphere. "When Yumi died, we were all staying on the table tennis court. There was no way we could have committed a crime. Only Omura went to the bathroom, but that was also five o'clock It happened after that, and he came back in less than a minute... right Omura."

Everyone followed him and looked at Jun Omura, but the other party did not respond.

This simple and honest winter melon face was staring at the ground with a dazed expression and panic in his eyes.

The others thought he was frightened by the dead, and after taking a look at him, they looked away and followed Zhongdao Hezhi's train of thought, "So it was someone outside who did it?"

"It's possible." Nakamichi Kazushi nodded. He walked to the window and pushed it open. His bare head reflected the moonlight outside, illuminating the eaves.

The eaves outside the window were at the same height as the window sill inside the house, and were half a meter wide. Nakamichi and Kazushi reached out and touched it, soaked in the rain.

He withdrew his hand and lowered his gaze, "The security of this retro-style room is too poor, as long as you follow the eaves, you can go anywhere you want on the whole floor, and the door is not locked, anyone may break in to sin."

Conan rubbed his chin thinking about something, Mori Kogoro was also thoughtful, and kept silent.

Bai Shu hugged the camera and looked around. While no one was paying attention to him, he called up the previous video, fast forwarded, and found the time point he wanted.

After a long silence, Zhongdao Kazushi, who had faintly become the backbone of everyone at some point, suggested, "It's not an option to stay here all the time. Let's ask the tenants around to see if there is any suspicious person."

"Okay." Mouri Kogoro clenched his fists, "We must find out the murderer!"

"But uncle! It's still too early to say that the murderer is an outsider, why don't you ask first..."

"Shut up! Little brat, don't meddle in adults' business!" Mouri Kogoro exploded like a firecracker that had been bored for a long time, and with a groan, he opened the door and left, "Don't you want to find evidence? let's go!"

"...Maori." Nakamichi and Zhi hurriedly chased him out, and the two men with police experience whispered something and gradually walked away.

Others don't see corpses as often as they do, and they just came back to their senses at this moment, and were about to go out, but suddenly heard a faint female voice behind them, "Oh, I thought Mr. Zhongdao was so busy that he forgot our deal Woolen cloth."

This voice is not harsh, and even has a slightly long tail, which is lazy and pleasant.

But at this moment, no one was interested in admiring it, but they were all excited.

They turned around abruptly, looking behind them in horror.

——That was the voice of Horikoshi Yumi, who was supposed to be dead!

(End of this chapter)

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