Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 140 The time confused by water

Chapter 140 The time confused by water

"Wait, your 'others'...does it include us?"

Mifune Takuya and Gojo Ou looked at him suspiciously, and for some reason the suspicion came to him again.

General Liu Tian understood immediately, "Indeed, the murderer could have pretended to have entered the forest, and then made a detour to return... However, there is another possibility. Do you remember the eldest lady who has not shown her face so far?"

Mori Kogoro's IQ was slightly on the line, and he shook his head, "Only by herself, it is difficult to move Xiaolan to the kitchen in a short time. If Miss Sijing participated in the murder, then she should have an accomplice, and that accomplice is among us!"

Discussions continued for a long time, but due to lack of information, no new conclusions could be drawn.

Bai Shu leaned on the sofa and saw Conan whispering a few words to Granny Mi, then the little detective suddenly turned to look at the air conditioner, and started looking for the remote control of the air conditioner again.

After seeing the timing setting on the remote control, Conan obviously caught something, dropped the remote control and slipped into the corridor to investigate in other rooms.

——After walking around, he will find out that the murderer used high-power electrical appliances to trip the villa.

The villa has been searched, and there is really nothing else to do, a group of people idling in the lobby until seven o'clock.

The pick-up car still didn't come, Granny Mi opened the door and was about to go to the bathroom, Gojo Xiu and Ichi Takashi immediately expressed their desire to go together.

The three of them walked for a long time before returning. When they came back, Granny Mi had an extra tray of hot coffee in her hand.

Mori Kogoro was a little shadowy about the medicine that poured his daughter's drink, "Why is there coffee again?"

Yizhilong smiled considerately, "When I go to the toilet, please ask them to make a bath, it will refresh you, and everyone has not slept all night."

"Hmm..." Mori Kogoro took a cup, but didn't dare to drink it, just stared at it hard, as if he could see if there was any drug in it.

Bai Shu was originally sitting next to him, but after receiving the coffee, he got up silently and walked away calmly.

A few seconds later, Ryuichi slapped Mori Kogoro on the back, jokingly said, "Don't be so nervous, we've been watching the whole time, there must be no medicine in it!"


Mori Kogoro just moved the cup to his mouth, tilted the cup, and was slapped by Takashi Ikee so lightly, the coffee cup shook, and the slightly hot coffee inside spilled his pants.

Conan happened to be at Kogoro Mori's feet, and the coffee was also poured all over his face. The two jumped in sync and shouted, "It's so hot!"

"I'm sorry!" Takashi Ichiji apologized in a panic.

Of course Conan and Mori Kogoro didn't have time to worry about this, they got up with grinning teeth, and rushed to the bathroom.

Bai Shu looked at their backs, put the finished coffee cups on the table, knowing that they had to come back.

Sure enough, a minute later, Conan rushed to the door out of breath, "Miss Yoshii's body was found in the bathroom!"


Except for Xiao Lan who was still asleep, a group of people all rushed into the bathroom with different thoughts, blocked the door of the bathroom, and looked inside.

Bai Shu swayed left and right to adjust his sight, looked through the gap in the crowd, and saw Mori Kogoro picking up Reika Yotsui, who was kneeling in front of the bathtub, and laying it flat on the ground.

The corpse wasn't so stiff that it couldn't be bent, but when it was shaken, it clearly exuded a heavy dead air.

While everyone was in a daze, Bai Shu pushed aside the people in front, squeezed inside, and secretly picked up the soul beside the bathtub.

Then he looked down at the corpse a few times, "Did you drown?"

Mori Kogoro nodded solemnly, "It is exactly the same as the case where Mr. Nikaido was pinned down and drowned in the pool, and Ran was almost drowned in the sink."

Before he could say anything, Bai Shu's arm suddenly felt cold, as if someone had pinched him.

As soon as he lowered his head, Lihua Sijing's soul gritted his teeth and shouted at him, "It's not the same at all! I didn't drown with my head pressed!"

"Yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes." Bai Shu perfunctorily withdrew his hand and rubbed the back of his hand.

"What did you say?" Mori Kogoro didn't hear his words clearly.

Bai Shu was serious, "I said that her clothes are so wet, she must be very unwilling before she dies."

"That's true." Kogoro Mori nodded in agreement, "The murderer is really cold-blooded."

Conan stood next to them with his hands clasped, his eyes sharp, as if a switch had been turned on, and he turned his head to look around.

On the other hand, Mori Kogoro deduced that the time of death of Yoshii Reika was one to two hours ago, and based on this, and the time he had acted alone with the others, he identified the murderer as Mukuta Shoji or Mifune Takuya.

The Maori detective makes mistakes every day, but Conan seems to have a plan in mind.

Bai Shu didn't interrupt any more, and while no one was paying attention to him, he turned around and went out to the corner of the corridor.

A chubby bird emerged from the air, hovered in front of him, and opened its beak:


With a suffocating sound effect, Bai Shu withdrew his open hand, and a USB flash drive fell out of the bird's beak and landed on the ground with a clatter.

"..." Although there was nothing dirty on the USB flash drive, Bai Shu hesitated for two seconds before picking it up with a look of disgust, "Can't you take it out in another way?"

The door panel was thoughtful, "Then I will pull it next time..."


Before it could finish speaking, Bai Shu slapped the bird away and threw it away when he was done using it. He said ruthlessly, "You can go."

He put away the USB drive and went back to the bathroom, pretending he never left.

What was copied on the door panel was a part of the monitoring screen inside and outside the villa.

It is impossible for such a large villa to have no surveillance cameras.The murderer obviously knew this too, and deliberately chose a place where the surveillance could not capture the crime.

But monitoring is not impossible to rotate.

According to Baishu's request, the door panel moved an infrared probe in the yard to the direction of the fountain,

The backup in the pocket is just in case, Bai Shu reckons it won't be needed at all - there were two murders in the villa, and when the police arrive, they will definitely call the surveillance to check, not only will they be able to know the murderer in a second, they will even have evidence up.

For reasoning, young people rely on their brains, and old people rely on technology.

When he returned to the bathroom, Mori Kogoro had transformed into "Sleeping Kogoro", uncovered the murderer Takashi Ichieda, and started reasoning about the three incidents.

Lihua Sijing was not drowned with her head held down, but was tied up in the bathtub, and the water was silently released from the nozzle, and the water came up little by little. After a period of time, she drowned.

The purpose of Yizhilong's attack on Xiaolan was not to kill her, but to obtain a confession of "being pushed into the water with her head pressed and drowned".

In this way, coupled with the cause of Takashi Ichiji's death, other people will naturally have the idea that "the murderer was the person who acted alone when Reika Yotsui died", so that he can be cleared of suspicion.

After being exposed to all the plans, Ichitaka, like all previous prisoners, collapsed and began to confess his criminal motives:
"The accident two years ago was murder! Yaeko was killed by Nikaido and Yotsui Reika!"

Ichiji Takashi pushed his glasses hard, and the dedicated reflection of the glasses highlighted his fluctuating emotions:

"Yaeko took a life jacket with her before she left, and she wore one herself, but when her body was found, the life jacket on her body was gone, and the rescued Nikaido and Yotsui Rika were obviously wearing life jackets, but they lied Said they didn't see Yaeko!"

"Yaeko is the person I cherish the most. The murderer who killed her, of course, has only one way to die, whether it is Nikaido or this woman."


When Xiaolan woke up, the police had arrived, Yizhilong was taken away, and President Sijing cried into a fool holding Sijing Lihua's body.

Xiaolan heard about the whole incident from Conan, she looked at President Sijing from a distance, and sighed, "Although I deserve it, I still feel a little sad."

Conan tried to comfort him, but he struggled for a long time and couldn't think of a good line.

He turned his gaze, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of Bai Shu's expression that was not quite right.

——The detective of the intuition flow was frowning, as if he was thinking about some unparalleled problem.

Conan was startled, and subconsciously began to reflect on whether he had overlooked some details.

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure it out, so he simply leaned over and asked directly, "What's wrong?"

"Huh?" Bai Shu came back to his senses, "There is one thing I can't figure out."

Conan pricked up his ears.

"Look, this incident involves Nikaido, Mifune Takuya, Yoshii Reika, Gojo Osamu, Mukuta Shoji, Yaeko..."

Bai Shu counted with his fingers, "But what about seven? Where did the number at the beginning of seven go?"


This has something to do with the case!

Why is your focus always wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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